WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:02.230 align:start position:0% noaa's<00:00:00.799> greater<00:00:01.120> farallon's<00:00:01.839> national 00:00:02.230 --> 00:00:02.240 align:start position:0% noaa's greater farallon's national 00:00:02.240 --> 00:00:03.909 align:start position:0% noaa's greater farallon's national marine<00:00:02.560> sanctuary<00:00:03.199> protects<00:00:03.600> one<00:00:03.760> of<00:00:03.840> the 00:00:03.909 --> 00:00:03.919 align:start position:0% marine sanctuary protects one of the 00:00:03.919 --> 00:00:05.670 align:start position:0% marine sanctuary protects one of the world's<00:00:04.319> most<00:00:04.560> diverse<00:00:05.040> and<00:00:05.200> bountiful 00:00:05.670 --> 00:00:05.680 align:start position:0% world's most diverse and bountiful 00:00:05.680 --> 00:00:07.590 align:start position:0% world's most diverse and bountiful marine<00:00:06.000> ecosystems 00:00:07.590 --> 00:00:07.600 align:start position:0% marine ecosystems 00:00:07.600 --> 00:00:10.070 align:start position:0% marine ecosystems along<00:00:07.919> the<00:00:08.080> sanctuary's<00:00:08.720> coast<00:00:09.519> bull<00:00:09.760> kelp 00:00:10.070 --> 00:00:10.080 align:start position:0% along the sanctuary's coast bull kelp 00:00:10.080 --> 00:00:12.310 align:start position:0% along the sanctuary's coast bull kelp creates<00:00:10.480> vast<00:00:10.880> underwater<00:00:11.360> forests 00:00:12.310 --> 00:00:12.320 align:start position:0% creates vast underwater forests 00:00:12.320 --> 00:00:14.310 align:start position:0% creates vast underwater forests sustaining<00:00:12.880> an<00:00:13.040> incredible<00:00:13.679> abundance<00:00:14.240> and 00:00:14.310 --> 00:00:14.320 align:start position:0% sustaining an incredible abundance and 00:00:14.320 --> 00:00:16.470 align:start position:0% sustaining an incredible abundance and variety<00:00:14.799> of<00:00:14.880> marine<00:00:15.280> life 00:00:16.470 --> 00:00:16.480 align:start position:0% variety of marine life 00:00:16.480 --> 00:00:18.630 align:start position:0% variety of marine life this<00:00:16.720> vibrant<00:00:17.199> ecosystem<00:00:17.840> fuels<00:00:18.160> coastal 00:00:18.630 --> 00:00:18.640 align:start position:0% this vibrant ecosystem fuels coastal 00:00:18.640 --> 00:00:19.670 align:start position:0% this vibrant ecosystem fuels coastal economies 00:00:19.670 --> 00:00:19.680 align:start position:0% economies 00:00:19.680 --> 00:00:21.990 align:start position:0% economies and<00:00:19.920> activities<00:00:20.400> like<00:00:20.640> fishing<00:00:21.520> wildlife 00:00:21.990 --> 00:00:22.000 align:start position:0% and activities like fishing wildlife 00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.070 align:start position:0% and activities like fishing wildlife viewing<00:00:22.640> and<00:00:22.800> recreation 00:00:24.070 --> 00:00:24.080 align:start position:0% viewing and recreation 00:00:24.080 --> 00:00:25.750 align:start position:0% viewing and recreation as<00:00:24.320> well<00:00:24.480> as<00:00:24.720> culturally<00:00:25.279> important 00:00:25.750 --> 00:00:25.760 align:start position:0% as well as culturally important 00:00:25.760 --> 00:00:27.589 align:start position:0% as well as culturally important practices<00:00:26.400> and<00:00:26.560> resources 00:00:27.589 --> 00:00:27.599 align:start position:0% practices and resources 00:00:27.599 --> 00:00:30.070 align:start position:0% practices and resources but<00:00:27.840> in<00:00:27.920> just<00:00:28.160> a<00:00:28.240> few<00:00:28.480> short<00:00:28.800> years<00:00:29.599> more<00:00:29.840> than 00:00:30.070 --> 00:00:30.080 align:start position:0% but in just a few short years more than 00:00:30.080 --> 00:00:31.830 align:start position:0% but in just a few short years more than 90<00:00:30.400> percent<00:00:30.800> of<00:00:30.880> the<00:00:31.039> kelp<00:00:31.359> forests<00:00:31.679> in 00:00:31.830 --> 00:00:31.840 align:start position:0% 90 percent of the kelp forests in 00:00:31.840 --> 00:00:33.910 align:start position:0% 90 percent of the kelp forests in northern<00:00:32.160> california<00:00:32.880> have<00:00:33.040> disappeared 00:00:33.910 --> 00:00:33.920 align:start position:0% northern california have disappeared 00:00:33.920 --> 00:00:36.150 align:start position:0% northern california have disappeared causing<00:00:34.320> devastating<00:00:35.040> ecological<00:00:36.000> and 00:00:36.150 --> 00:00:36.160 align:start position:0% causing devastating ecological and 00:00:36.160 --> 00:00:38.630 align:start position:0% causing devastating ecological and economic<00:00:36.800> impacts 00:00:38.630 --> 00:00:38.640 align:start position:0% economic impacts 00:00:38.640 --> 00:00:41.110 align:start position:0% economic impacts what<00:00:38.879> we've<00:00:39.200> seen<00:00:39.600> over<00:00:39.920> the<00:00:40.160> years 00:00:41.110 --> 00:00:41.120 align:start position:0% what we've seen over the years 00:00:41.120 --> 00:00:44.950 align:start position:0% what we've seen over the years particularly<00:00:42.160> in<00:00:42.840> 2014-15<00:00:43.920> and<00:00:44.160> 16 00:00:44.950 --> 00:00:44.960 align:start position:0% particularly in 2014-15 and 16 00:00:44.960 --> 00:00:48.549 align:start position:0% particularly in 2014-15 and 16 was<00:00:45.200> a<00:00:45.440> massive<00:00:46.079> marine<00:00:46.719> heat<00:00:46.960> wave 00:00:48.549 --> 00:00:48.559 align:start position:0% was a massive marine heat wave 00:00:48.559 --> 00:00:51.830 align:start position:0% was a massive marine heat wave the<00:00:48.800> heat<00:00:49.120> wave<00:00:50.079> was<00:00:51.120> happening 00:00:51.830 --> 00:00:51.840 align:start position:0% the heat wave was happening 00:00:51.840 --> 00:00:54.790 align:start position:0% the heat wave was happening after<00:00:52.320> we<00:00:52.559> had<00:00:52.800> a<00:00:52.960> die<00:00:53.280> off<00:00:53.520> of<00:00:53.840> all<00:00:54.079> of<00:00:54.239> our<00:00:54.559> sea 00:00:54.790 --> 00:00:54.800 align:start position:0% after we had a die off of all of our sea 00:00:54.800 --> 00:00:57.510 align:start position:0% after we had a die off of all of our sea stars<00:00:55.360> which<00:00:55.680> are<00:00:55.840> important<00:00:56.320> predators 00:00:57.510 --> 00:00:57.520 align:start position:0% stars which are important predators 00:00:57.520 --> 00:00:59.990 align:start position:0% stars which are important predators so<00:00:57.680> we<00:00:57.920> had<00:00:58.160> these<00:00:58.399> multiple<00:00:59.039> stressors<00:00:59.840> in 00:00:59.990 --> 00:01:00.000 align:start position:0% so we had these multiple stressors in 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:01.110 align:start position:0% so we had these multiple stressors in the<00:01:00.160> kelp<00:01:00.480> forest 00:01:01.110 --> 00:01:01.120 align:start position:0% the kelp forest 00:01:01.120 --> 00:01:02.790 align:start position:0% the kelp forest it'd<00:01:01.280> be<00:01:01.440> like<00:01:01.680> if<00:01:01.840> i<00:01:01.920> went<00:01:02.160> and<00:01:02.239> i<00:01:02.399> walked<00:01:02.640> out 00:01:02.790 --> 00:01:02.800 align:start position:0% it'd be like if i went and i walked out 00:01:02.800 --> 00:01:04.869 align:start position:0% it'd be like if i went and i walked out in<00:01:02.879> the<00:01:02.960> forest<00:01:03.359> and<00:01:03.440> there<00:01:03.600> weren't<00:01:03.920> trees 00:01:04.869 --> 00:01:04.879 align:start position:0% in the forest and there weren't trees 00:01:04.879 --> 00:01:06.469 align:start position:0% in the forest and there weren't trees so<00:01:05.119> instead<00:01:05.360> of<00:01:05.519> looking<00:01:05.760> around<00:01:06.000> and<00:01:06.159> seeing 00:01:06.469 --> 00:01:06.479 align:start position:0% so instead of looking around and seeing 00:01:06.479 --> 00:01:09.030 align:start position:0% so instead of looking around and seeing happy<00:01:06.880> deer<00:01:07.280> and<00:01:07.439> hearing<00:01:07.920> birds 00:01:09.030 --> 00:01:09.040 align:start position:0% happy deer and hearing birds 00:01:09.040 --> 00:01:11.990 align:start position:0% happy deer and hearing birds it's<00:01:09.760> just<00:01:10.080> gone<00:01:10.880> so<00:01:11.200> it's<00:01:11.439> the<00:01:11.520> same<00:01:11.840> as 00:01:11.990 --> 00:01:12.000 align:start position:0% it's just gone so it's the same as 00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:13.910 align:start position:0% it's just gone so it's the same as underwater<00:01:12.560> instead<00:01:12.799> of<00:01:12.960> seeing<00:01:13.280> the<00:01:13.520> fish<00:01:13.840> in 00:01:13.910 --> 00:01:13.920 align:start position:0% underwater instead of seeing the fish in 00:01:13.920 --> 00:01:14.710 align:start position:0% underwater instead of seeing the fish in every<00:01:14.240> hole 00:01:14.710 --> 00:01:14.720 align:start position:0% every hole 00:01:14.720 --> 00:01:17.030 align:start position:0% every hole and<00:01:15.200> the<00:01:15.439> schools<00:01:15.840> of<00:01:15.920> blues<00:01:16.400> up<00:01:16.560> in<00:01:16.640> the<00:01:16.799> top 00:01:17.030 --> 00:01:17.040 align:start position:0% and the schools of blues up in the top 00:01:17.040 --> 00:01:18.070 align:start position:0% and the schools of blues up in the top of<00:01:17.119> the<00:01:17.280> kelp 00:01:18.070 --> 00:01:18.080 align:start position:0% of the kelp 00:01:18.080 --> 00:01:21.190 align:start position:0% of the kelp it's<00:01:18.320> just<00:01:19.040> purple<00:01:19.439> urchins<00:01:19.920> everywhere 00:01:21.190 --> 00:01:21.200 align:start position:0% it's just purple urchins everywhere 00:01:21.200 --> 00:01:24.550 align:start position:0% it's just purple urchins everywhere in<00:01:21.360> 2018<00:01:22.640> a<00:01:22.799> team<00:01:23.040> of<00:01:23.200> scientists<00:01:24.000> managers 00:01:24.550 --> 00:01:24.560 align:start position:0% in 2018 a team of scientists managers 00:01:24.560 --> 00:01:26.950 align:start position:0% in 2018 a team of scientists managers and<00:01:24.640> resource<00:01:25.200> users<00:01:25.920> teamed<00:01:26.240> up<00:01:26.320> to<00:01:26.479> create<00:01:26.880> a 00:01:26.950 --> 00:01:26.960 align:start position:0% and resource users teamed up to create a 00:01:26.960 --> 00:01:28.950 align:start position:0% and resource users teamed up to create a bulk<00:01:27.200> help<00:01:27.520> recovery<00:01:28.000> plan<00:01:28.320> that<00:01:28.560> outlines 00:01:28.950 --> 00:01:28.960 align:start position:0% bulk help recovery plan that outlines 00:01:28.960 --> 00:01:29.670 align:start position:0% bulk help recovery plan that outlines specific 00:01:29.670 --> 00:01:29.680 align:start position:0% specific 00:01:29.680 --> 00:01:32.789 align:start position:0% specific research<00:01:30.640> monitoring<00:01:31.600> restoration<00:01:32.640> and 00:01:32.789 --> 00:01:32.799 align:start position:0% research monitoring restoration and 00:01:32.799 --> 00:01:34.710 align:start position:0% research monitoring restoration and community<00:01:33.360> engagement<00:01:33.920> strategies 00:01:34.710 --> 00:01:34.720 align:start position:0% community engagement strategies 00:01:34.720 --> 00:01:36.710 align:start position:0% community engagement strategies to<00:01:34.960> address<00:01:35.280> the<00:01:35.439> severe<00:01:35.920> kelp<00:01:36.159> loss<00:01:36.479> off 00:01:36.710 --> 00:01:36.720 align:start position:0% to address the severe kelp loss off 00:01:36.720 --> 00:01:38.830 align:start position:0% to address the severe kelp loss off california's<00:01:37.439> sonoma<00:01:38.000> and<00:01:38.079> mendocino 00:01:38.830 --> 00:01:38.840 align:start position:0% california's sonoma and mendocino 00:01:38.840 --> 00:01:40.230 align:start position:0% california's sonoma and mendocino counties 00:01:40.230 --> 00:01:40.240 align:start position:0% counties 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involved<00:01:46.880> both<00:01:47.200> from<00:01:47.439> an<00:01:47.680> agency 00:01:48.310 --> 00:01:48.320 align:start position:0% be involved both from an agency 00:01:48.320 --> 00:01:49.030 align:start position:0% be involved both from an agency perspective 00:01:49.030 --> 00:01:49.040 align:start position:0% perspective 00:01:49.040 --> 00:01:51.429 align:start position:0% perspective at<00:01:49.119> the<00:01:49.280> state<00:01:49.600> and<00:01:49.680> federal<00:01:50.079> level<00:01:50.640> but<00:01:50.880> also 00:01:51.429 --> 00:01:51.439 align:start position:0% at the state and federal level but also 00:01:51.439 --> 00:01:52.789 align:start position:0% at the state and federal level but also from<00:01:51.680> local<00:01:52.079> businesses 00:01:52.789 --> 00:01:52.799 align:start position:0% from local businesses 00:01:52.799 --> 00:01:54.950 align:start position:0% from local businesses and<00:01:52.960> local<00:01:53.280> tribes<00:01:53.759> people<00:01:54.000> who<00:01:54.240> know<00:01:54.479> so<00:01:54.720> much 00:01:54.950 --> 00:01:54.960 align:start position:0% and local tribes people who know so much 00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:55.990 align:start position:0% and local tribes people who know so much about<00:01:55.200> our<00:01:55.360> coast 00:01:55.990 --> 00:01:56.000 align:start position:0% about our coast 00:01:56.000 --> 00:01:58.230 align:start position:0% about our coast and<00:01:56.159> who<00:01:56.399> offer<00:01:56.799> valuable<00:01:57.280> perspective<00:01:58.079> so 00:01:58.230 --> 00:01:58.240 align:start position:0% and who offer valuable perspective so 00:01:58.240 --> 00:01:59.590 align:start position:0% and who offer valuable perspective so that<00:01:58.399> we<00:01:58.640> make<00:01:58.880> sure 00:01:59.590 --> 00:01:59.600 align:start position:0% that we make sure 00:01:59.600 --> 00:02:02.630 align:start position:0% that we make sure we're<00:01:59.840> finding<00:02:00.159> the<00:02:00.320> right<00:02:00.560> solutions<00:02:01.840> now 00:02:02.630 --> 00:02:02.640 align:start position:0% we're finding the right solutions now 00:02:02.640 --> 00:02:04.069 align:start position:0% we're finding the right solutions now we're<00:02:02.799> working<00:02:03.200> together<00:02:03.680> to<00:02:03.840> better 00:02:04.069 --> 00:02:04.079 align:start position:0% we're working together to better 00:02:04.079 --> 00:02:05.670 align:start position:0% we're working together to better understand<00:02:04.640> kelp<00:02:04.960> loss 00:02:05.670 --> 00:02:05.680 align:start position:0% understand kelp loss 00:02:05.680 --> 00:02:07.510 align:start position:0% understand kelp loss and<00:02:05.920> reduce<00:02:06.320> stressors<00:02:06.880> to<00:02:06.960> help<00:02:07.200> kelp 00:02:07.510 --> 00:02:07.520 align:start position:0% and reduce stressors to help kelp 00:02:07.520 --> 00:02:09.270 align:start position:0% and reduce stressors to help kelp forests<00:02:07.840> recover<00:02:08.319> more<00:02:08.560> quickly 00:02:09.270 --> 00:02:09.280 align:start position:0% forests recover more quickly 00:02:09.280 --> 00:02:11.350 align:start position:0% forests recover more quickly and<00:02:09.440> endure<00:02:09.840> long-term<00:02:10.319> threats<00:02:11.120> like 00:02:11.350 --> 00:02:11.360 align:start position:0% and endure long-term threats like 00:02:11.360 --> 00:02:12.390 align:start position:0% and endure long-term threats like climate<00:02:11.760> change 00:02:12.390 --> 00:02:12.400 align:start position:0% climate change 00:02:12.400 --> 00:02:15.670 align:start position:0% climate change we<00:02:12.720> have<00:02:13.200> a<00:02:13.360> network<00:02:13.760> of<00:02:13.920> partners<00:02:14.560> called 00:02:15.670 --> 00:02:15.680 align:start position:0% we have a network of partners called 00:02:15.680 --> 00:02:18.309 align:start position:0% we have a network of partners called the<00:02:16.080> kelp<00:02:16.480> ecosystem<00:02:17.360> and<00:02:17.599> landscape 00:02:18.309 --> 00:02:18.319 align:start position:0% the kelp ecosystem and landscape 00:02:18.319 --> 00:02:19.030 align:start position:0% the kelp ecosystem and landscape partnership 00:02:19.030 --> 00:02:19.040 align:start position:0% partnership 00:02:19.040 --> 00:02:22.229 align:start position:0% partnership for<00:02:19.280> research<00:02:19.760> on<00:02:20.000> resilience<00:02:20.959> or<00:02:21.360> helper 00:02:22.229 --> 00:02:22.239 align:start position:0% for research on resilience or helper 00:02:22.239 --> 00:02:25.830 align:start position:0% for research on resilience or helper for<00:02:22.560> short<00:02:23.360> and<00:02:24.400> it<00:02:24.720> includes 00:02:25.830 --> 00:02:25.840 align:start position:0% for short and it includes 00:02:25.840 --> 00:02:28.309 align:start position:0% for short and it includes folks<00:02:26.239> that<00:02:26.480> are<00:02:26.640> stakeholders<00:02:27.599> we<00:02:27.760> have 00:02:28.309 --> 00:02:28.319 align:start position:0% folks that are stakeholders we have 00:02:28.319 --> 00:02:29.670 align:start position:0% folks that are stakeholders we have researchers 00:02:29.670 --> 00:02:29.680 align:start position:0% researchers 00:02:29.680 --> 00:02:31.509 align:start position:0% researchers we<00:02:29.840> have<00:02:30.080> members<00:02:30.480> of<00:02:30.560> the<00:02:30.720> community<00:02:31.200> we<00:02:31.360> have 00:02:31.509 --> 00:02:31.519 align:start position:0% we have members of the community we have 00:02:31.519 --> 00:02:33.830 align:start position:0% we have members of the community we have non-profits<00:02:32.400> we<00:02:32.480> have<00:02:32.720> for-profits 00:02:33.830 --> 00:02:33.840 align:start position:0% non-profits we have for-profits 00:02:33.840 --> 00:02:36.070 align:start position:0% non-profits we have for-profits and<00:02:34.720> really<00:02:35.040> it's<00:02:35.200> a<00:02:35.280> way<00:02:35.440> of<00:02:35.519> looking<00:02:35.840> at<00:02:36.000> the 00:02:36.070 --> 00:02:36.080 align:start position:0% and really it's a way of looking at the 00:02:36.080 --> 00:02:37.430 align:start position:0% and really it's a way of looking at the comprehensive<00:02:36.879> picture 00:02:37.430 --> 00:02:37.440 align:start position:0% comprehensive picture 00:02:37.440 --> 00:02:40.070 align:start position:0% comprehensive picture and<00:02:37.599> how<00:02:37.840> we<00:02:38.000> can<00:02:38.239> bring<00:02:38.560> together<00:02:39.680> different 00:02:40.070 --> 00:02:40.080 align:start position:0% and how we can bring together different 00:02:40.080 --> 00:02:42.150 align:start position:0% and how we can bring together different groups<00:02:40.480> to<00:02:40.720> address<00:02:41.120> kelp<00:02:41.440> loss 00:02:42.150 --> 00:02:42.160 align:start position:0% groups to address kelp loss 00:02:42.160 --> 00:02:44.150 align:start position:0% groups to address kelp loss the<00:02:42.319> kelp<00:02:42.640> recovery<00:02:43.200> program<00:02:43.680> is<00:02:43.840> working 00:02:44.150 --> 00:02:44.160 align:start position:0% the kelp recovery program is working 00:02:44.160 --> 00:02:46.790 align:start position:0% the kelp recovery program is working with<00:02:44.319> partners<00:02:44.720> to<00:02:44.879> restore<00:02:45.360> kelp<00:02:45.680> forest 00:02:46.790 --> 00:02:46.800 align:start position:0% with partners to restore kelp forest 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:48.790 align:start position:0% with partners to restore kelp forest we're<00:02:47.040> mapping<00:02:47.360> kelp<00:02:47.680> canopy<00:02:48.080> with<00:02:48.239> drones<00:02:48.720> to 00:02:48.790 --> 00:02:48.800 align:start position:0% we're mapping kelp canopy with drones to 00:02:48.800 --> 00:02:50.630 align:start position:0% we're mapping kelp canopy with drones to monitor<00:02:49.280> the<00:02:49.360> health<00:02:49.599> and<00:02:49.840> recovery<00:02:50.239> of<00:02:50.400> bulk 00:02:50.630 --> 00:02:50.640 align:start position:0% monitor the health and recovery of bulk 00:02:50.640 --> 00:02:52.070 align:start position:0% monitor the health and recovery of bulk kelp<00:02:50.959> forests 00:02:52.070 --> 00:02:52.080 align:start position:0% kelp forests 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:53.670 align:start position:0% kelp forests we're<00:02:52.319> working<00:02:52.640> with<00:02:52.879> business<00:02:53.200> ventures 00:02:53.670 --> 00:02:53.680 align:start position:0% we're working with business ventures 00:02:53.680 --> 00:02:55.350 align:start position:0% we're working with business ventures that<00:02:53.840> are<00:02:53.920> developing<00:02:54.400> markets<00:02:54.800> for<00:02:54.959> purple 00:02:55.350 --> 00:02:55.360 align:start position:0% that are developing markets for purple 00:02:55.360 --> 00:02:56.150 align:start position:0% that are developing markets for purple urchins 00:02:56.150 --> 00:02:56.160 align:start position:0% urchins 00:02:56.160 --> 00:02:57.830 align:start position:0% urchins an<00:02:56.400> industry<00:02:56.800> that<00:02:56.879> would<00:02:57.040> employ<00:02:57.440> commercial 00:02:57.830 --> 00:02:57.840 align:start position:0% an industry that would employ commercial 00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:00.149 align:start position:0% an industry that would employ commercial divers<00:02:58.319> to<00:02:58.480> collect<00:02:58.800> urchins<00:02:59.200> from<00:02:59.440> barrens 00:03:00.149 --> 00:03:00.159 align:start position:0% divers to collect urchins from barrens 00:03:00.159 --> 00:03:02.229 align:start position:0% divers to collect urchins from barrens and<00:03:00.319> culture<00:03:00.720> them<00:03:01.040> as<00:03:01.120> a<00:03:01.280> quality<00:03:01.760> seafood 00:03:02.229 --> 00:03:02.239 align:start position:0% and culture them as a quality seafood 00:03:02.239 --> 00:03:03.430 align:start position:0% and culture them as a quality seafood product 00:03:03.430 --> 00:03:03.440 align:start position:0% product 00:03:03.440 --> 00:03:05.270 align:start position:0% product we're<00:03:03.680> also<00:03:04.000> actively<00:03:04.400> investigating<00:03:05.120> other 00:03:05.270 --> 00:03:05.280 align:start position:0% we're also actively investigating other 00:03:05.280 --> 00:03:06.710 align:start position:0% we're also actively investigating other restoration<00:03:06.000> methods 00:03:06.710 --> 00:03:06.720 align:start position:0% restoration methods 00:03:06.720 --> 00:03:08.949 align:start position:0% restoration methods such<00:03:06.959> as<00:03:07.120> out<00:03:07.360> planning<00:03:08.560> we're<00:03:08.720> all 00:03:08.949 --> 00:03:08.959 align:start position:0% such as out planning we're all 00:03:08.959 --> 00:03:11.350 align:start position:0% such as out planning we're all underfunded<00:03:09.519> we're<00:03:09.680> all<00:03:09.920> undermanned 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ocean area<00:03:18.560> as<00:03:19.040> partnerships<00:03:19.680> and<00:03:19.760> collaborations 00:03:20.470 --> 00:03:20.480 align:start position:0% area as partnerships and collaborations 00:03:20.480 --> 00:03:21.350 align:start position:0% area as partnerships and collaborations are<00:03:20.640> key 00:03:21.350 --> 00:03:21.360 align:start position:0% are key 00:03:21.360 --> 00:03:24.070 align:start position:0% are key there's<00:03:21.599> no<00:03:21.920> single<00:03:22.239> path<00:03:22.560> to<00:03:22.720> recovery<00:03:23.840> but 00:03:24.070 --> 00:03:24.080 align:start position:0% there's no single path to recovery but 00:03:24.080 --> 00:03:25.990 align:start position:0% there's no single path to recovery but through<00:03:24.239> a<00:03:24.319> foundation<00:03:24.879> of<00:03:24.959> partnerships 00:03:25.990 --> 00:03:26.000 align:start position:0% through a foundation of partnerships 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:27.830 align:start position:0% through a foundation of partnerships we've<00:03:26.239> identified<00:03:26.879> multiple<00:03:27.360> actions<00:03:27.760> to 00:03:27.830 --> 00:03:27.840 align:start position:0% we've identified multiple actions to 00:03:27.840 --> 00:03:29.910 align:start position:0% we've identified multiple actions to protect<00:03:28.319> and<00:03:28.400> restore<00:03:28.799> kelp<00:03:29.200> forests 00:03:29.910 --> 00:03:29.920 align:start position:0% protect and restore kelp forests 00:03:29.920 --> 00:03:31.670 align:start position:0% protect and restore kelp forests so<00:03:30.080> they<00:03:30.319> continue<00:03:30.799> to<00:03:30.959> sustain<00:03:31.360> marine 00:03:31.670 --> 00:03:31.680 align:start position:0% so they continue to sustain marine 00:03:31.680 --> 00:03:33.750 align:start position:0% so they continue to sustain marine ecosystems<00:03:32.400> and<00:03:32.480> coastal<00:03:32.959> economies 00:03:33.750 --> 00:03:33.760 align:start position:0% ecosystems and coastal economies 00:03:33.760 --> 00:03:36.390 align:start position:0% ecosystems and coastal economies for<00:03:34.159> years<00:03:34.480> to<00:03:34.640> come<00:03:35.760> i'm<00:03:36.000> a<00:03:36.080> second 00:03:36.390 --> 00:03:36.400 align:start position:0% for years to come i'm a second 00:03:36.400 --> 00:03:38.390 align:start position:0% for years to come i'm a second generation<00:03:37.040> california<00:03:37.599> urchin<00:03:37.920> diver<00:03:38.239> my 00:03:38.390 --> 00:03:38.400 align:start position:0% generation california urchin diver my 00:03:38.400 --> 00:03:40.869 align:start position:0% generation california urchin diver my dad's<00:03:38.720> been<00:03:38.799> doing<00:03:39.040> it<00:03:39.120> since<00:03:39.360> 1980. 00:03:40.869 --> 00:03:40.879 align:start position:0% dad's been doing it since 1980. 00:03:40.879 --> 00:03:42.630 align:start position:0% dad's been doing it since 1980. he<00:03:41.120> left<00:03:41.360> southern<00:03:41.680> california<00:03:42.239> to<00:03:42.319> come<00:03:42.560> up 00:03:42.630 --> 00:03:42.640 align:start position:0% he left southern california to come up 00:03:42.640 --> 00:03:44.550 align:start position:0% he left southern california to come up here<00:03:42.879> for<00:03:43.040> the<00:03:43.120> whole<00:03:43.360> gold<00:03:43.599> rush<00:03:43.840> of<00:03:44.000> urchins 00:03:44.550 --> 00:03:44.560 align:start position:0% here for the whole gold rush of urchins 00:03:44.560 --> 00:03:45.350 align:start position:0% here for the whole gold rush of urchins and 00:03:45.350 --> 00:03:45.360 align:start position:0% and 00:03:45.360 --> 00:03:47.030 align:start position:0% and you<00:03:45.440> know<00:03:45.680> it's<00:03:45.760> been<00:03:46.000> a<00:03:46.080> great<00:03:46.319> life<00:03:46.640> growing 00:03:47.030 --> 00:03:47.040 align:start position:0% you know it's been a great life growing 00:03:47.040 --> 00:03:49.750 align:start position:0% you know it's been a great life growing up<00:03:47.360> and<00:03:47.840> i'm<00:03:48.159> raising<00:03:48.560> my<00:03:48.720> kids<00:03:49.120> now<00:03:49.519> and 00:03:49.750 --> 00:03:49.760 align:start position:0% up and i'm raising my kids now and 00:03:49.760 --> 00:03:51.670 align:start position:0% up and i'm raising my kids now and buying<00:03:50.080> a<00:03:50.159> home<00:03:50.480> in<00:03:50.640> the<00:03:50.879> area<00:03:51.360> and 00:03:51.670 --> 00:03:51.680 align:start position:0% buying a home in the area and 00:03:51.680 --> 00:03:53.110 align:start position:0% buying a home in the area and i'd<00:03:51.840> like<00:03:52.000> to<00:03:52.159> be<00:03:52.319> able<00:03:52.480> to<00:03:52.560> stay<00:03:52.799> here<00:03:52.959> and 00:03:53.110 --> 00:03:53.120 align:start position:0% i'd like to be able to stay here and 00:03:53.120 --> 00:03:55.270 align:start position:0% i'd like to be able to stay here and keep<00:03:53.280> doing<00:03:53.599> that<00:03:54.159> i<00:03:54.319> find<00:03:54.640> that<00:03:54.879> really 00:03:55.270 --> 00:03:55.280 align:start position:0% keep doing that i find that really 00:03:55.280 --> 00:03:57.670 align:start position:0% keep doing that i find that really amazing<00:03:55.840> and<00:03:56.080> inspiring 00:03:57.670 --> 00:03:57.680 align:start position:0% amazing and inspiring 00:03:57.680 --> 00:04:00.470 align:start position:0% amazing and inspiring just<00:03:57.920> to<00:03:58.080> see<00:03:58.239> everyone<00:03:59.040> working<00:03:59.439> together 00:04:00.470 --> 00:04:00.480 align:start position:0% just to see everyone working together 00:04:00.480 --> 00:04:01.270 align:start position:0% just to see everyone working together and<00:04:00.720> really 00:04:01.270 --> 00:04:01.280 align:start position:0% and really 00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:03.429 align:start position:0% and really you<00:04:01.439> know<00:04:01.599> having<00:04:01.920> that<00:04:02.080> level<00:04:02.400> of<00:04:02.560> commitment 00:04:03.429 --> 00:04:03.439 align:start position:0% you know having that level of commitment 00:04:03.439 --> 00:04:05.509 align:start position:0% you know having that level of commitment is<00:04:04.000> awesome 00:04:05.509 --> 00:04:05.519 align:start position:0% is awesome 00:04:05.519 --> 00:04:08.340 align:start position:0% is awesome so<00:04:05.680> i<00:04:05.760> have<00:04:05.840> a<00:04:05.920> lot<00:04:06.080> of<00:04:06.159> hope<00:04:06.879> for<00:04:07.040> kelp 00:04:08.340 --> 00:04:08.350 align:start position:0% so i have a lot of hope for kelp 00:04:08.350 --> 00:04:12.830 align:start position:0% so i have a lot of hope for kelp [Music] 00:04:12.830 --> 00:04:12.840 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:04:12.840 --> 00:04:15.930 align:start position:0% [Music] recovery 00:04:15.930 --> 00:04:15.940 align:start position:0% 00:04:15.940 --> 00:04:22.230 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:04:22.230 --> 00:04:22.240 align:start position:0% 00:04:22.240 --> 00:04:24.320 align:start position:0% you