WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:01:00.539 --> 00:01:09.170 - Welcome everyone to the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries webinar series. 00:01:09.170 --> 00:01:11.520 We're so pleased to have you joining us today. 00:01:11.520 --> 00:01:13.981 We have nearly 600 direct registrants 00:01:13.981 --> 00:01:16.030 for today's presentation about 00:01:16.030 --> 00:01:21.501 exploring underwater sound in national marine sanctuaries. 00:01:22.454 --> 00:01:25.997 We, myself, and Chloe McKenna, 00:01:25.997 --> 00:01:29.236 will be your webinar co-hosts today. 00:01:29.236 --> 00:01:31.007 I am Claire Fackler, 00:01:31.007 --> 00:01:35.581 the National Education Liaison for the sanctuary system, 00:01:35.581 --> 00:01:39.897 and Chloe McKenna is a junior at Eckerd College 00:01:39.897 --> 00:01:42.046 in St Petersburg, Florida, 00:01:42.046 --> 00:01:49.880 and is a VSFS intern through the State Department, 00:01:49.880 --> 00:01:51.642 and she works to support our 00:01:51.642 --> 00:01:54.738 headquarters education for the sanctuary system. 00:01:54.738 --> 00:01:56.879 So, we're so excited that you're here with us. 00:01:56.879 --> 00:01:59.741 Our webinar series is primarily targeting 00:01:59.741 --> 00:02:04.238 formal and informal educators and other interested audiences, 00:02:04.238 --> 00:02:05.630 so we welcome all of you. 00:02:05.630 --> 00:02:08.034 I'm sure there's some K-12 teachers 00:02:08.034 --> 00:02:11.560 and some other informal educators with us 00:02:11.560 --> 00:02:14.830 and lots of interested adults and students, 00:02:14.830 --> 00:02:17.159 so thank you for being with us. 00:02:17.159 --> 00:02:21.042 A few introductory slides before we begin today's presentation. 00:02:21.042 --> 00:02:23.409 If you're not already aware, 00:02:23.409 --> 00:02:27.220 we, within the United States of America, 00:02:27.220 --> 00:02:31.800 are celebrating 50 years of ocean and coastal conservation. 00:02:31.800 --> 00:02:35.130 So in 1972, 50 years ago, 00:02:35.130 --> 00:02:39.370 our US congress did some sweeping legislation 00:02:39.370 --> 00:02:42.300 that we are now celebrating for 50 years. 00:02:42.300 --> 00:02:49.510 Things like the Clean Water Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, 00:02:49.510 --> 00:02:54.550 the Marine Mammal Protection Act, 00:02:54.550 --> 00:02:58.689 and also the National Marine Sanctuaries Act. 00:02:58.689 --> 00:03:02.176 So, these are important legislative efforts 00:03:02.176 --> 00:03:04.463 that we're celebrating 50 years, 00:03:04.463 --> 00:03:06.798 including the fact that we have these 00:03:06.798 --> 00:03:09.132 national parks which are like, 00:03:10.229 --> 00:03:13.969 sorry, national parks that are underwater. 00:03:13.969 --> 00:03:16.270 We call them national marine sanctuaries. 00:03:16.746 --> 00:03:20.000 So, as part of our 50th anniversary campaign, 00:03:20.000 --> 00:03:23.219 we invite all of you to save spectacular, 00:03:23.219 --> 00:03:24.784 and to help us celebrate 00:03:24.784 --> 00:03:28.310 these spectacular, special ocean places. 00:03:30.358 --> 00:03:33.180 - This is a map of North America, 00:03:33.180 --> 00:03:36.299 and each blue dot on the map represents one of our 00:03:36.299 --> 00:03:39.129 15 national marine sanctuaries, 00:03:39.129 --> 00:03:41.379 which are underwater treasures that are protected now 00:03:41.379 --> 00:03:43.099 and for future generations. 00:03:43.099 --> 00:03:46.670 The triangles represent the marine national monuments 00:03:46.670 --> 00:03:49.730 that NOAA manages as a part of this system, 00:03:49.730 --> 00:03:51.491 and the yellow boxes represent 00:03:51.491 --> 00:03:53.968 special ocean and Great Lakes areas 00:03:53.968 --> 00:03:55.558 that are being considered to become 00:03:55.558 --> 00:03:58.369 our nation's next underwater parks. 00:03:58.369 --> 00:04:00.341 These underwater parks were set aside for both 00:04:00.341 --> 00:04:03.989 protection and enjoyment, now and in the future, 00:04:03.989 --> 00:04:05.768 and decisions about how to best manage 00:04:05.768 --> 00:04:07.150 each of these special places 00:04:07.150 --> 00:04:11.349 continue to be made using the best available scientific data, 00:04:11.349 --> 00:04:14.309 as well as extensive public input. 00:04:14.309 --> 00:04:17.480 Each national marine sanctuary and marine national monument 00:04:17.480 --> 00:04:21.709 has its own unique history and purpose. 00:04:21.709 --> 00:04:23.750 National marine sanctuaries seek to preserve 00:04:23.750 --> 00:04:28.580 the beauty and biodiversity of these special marine places, 00:04:28.580 --> 00:04:32.960 while also providing a space to preserve 00:04:32.960 --> 00:04:37.530 maritime heritage and cultural heritage 00:04:37.530 --> 00:04:39.730 by establishing national marine sanctuaries 00:04:39.730 --> 00:04:43.560 that protect shipwrecks and other significant artifacts. 00:04:43.560 --> 00:04:45.043 These special ocean places 00:04:45.519 --> 00:04:47.519 protect threatened and endangered marine life, 00:04:47.520 --> 00:04:51.580 like this Hawaiian green sea turtle. 00:04:51.580 --> 00:04:53.650 The National Marine Sanctuaries Act mandates 00:04:53.650 --> 00:04:59.300 that we conduct education and outreach, 00:04:59.300 --> 00:05:01.710 research, 00:05:01.710 --> 00:05:04.430 and monitoring. 00:05:04.430 --> 00:05:07.010 We do all of this to protect these resources – 00:05:07.010 --> 00:05:10.290 the ecosystems, habitats, and living things, 00:05:10.290 --> 00:05:13.745 to preserve them for future generations. 00:05:15.270 --> 00:05:16.713 These underwater parks are places 00:05:16.713 --> 00:05:19.142 that we want everyone to enjoy. 00:05:20.000 --> 00:05:23.370 We encourage you all to recreate in these special ocean areas 00:05:23.608 --> 00:05:26.310 through activities such as kayaking, 00:05:27.560 --> 00:05:29.779 fishing, 00:05:29.779 --> 00:05:31.093 snorkeling, 00:05:32.760 --> 00:05:34.194 scuba diving, 00:05:35.290 --> 00:05:36.550 surfing, 00:05:37.360 --> 00:05:40.747 or even getting on a boat and viewing marine life. 00:05:41.504 --> 00:05:44.150 Our hope is that some of you will become so inspired 00:05:44.150 --> 00:05:47.056 through your interactions with these spectacular places 00:05:47.056 --> 00:05:48.550 that you will eventually volunteer 00:05:48.550 --> 00:05:51.265 to conserve these underwater treasures. 00:05:53.076 --> 00:05:57.650 - And I also wanted to mention that Marine Protected Areas, MPAs, 00:05:57.650 --> 00:06:02.030 like national marine sanctuaries and marine national monuments, 00:06:02.030 --> 00:06:04.970 they can help with climate resiliency. 00:06:04.970 --> 00:06:06.460 They're a nature-based solution. 00:06:06.460 --> 00:06:13.219 So, they help with climate resiliency by storing carbon and protecting biodiversity. 00:06:13.219 --> 00:06:18.290 And we, at NOAA, like to say that you can celebrate Earth Day every day. 00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:20.604 So, we really hope that you get out and recreate 00:06:20.604 --> 00:06:23.177 and enjoy your national marine sanctuaries, 00:06:23.177 --> 00:06:26.623 and use your voice to help protect them as these nature-based solutions 00:06:26.623 --> 00:06:29.543 to help address the climate crisis. 00:06:30.469 --> 00:06:34.650 With that, I'll have Chloe introduce our speaker today. 00:06:34.650 --> 00:06:40.360 - Yes, I'm very pleased to introduce Dr. Leila Hatch for today's webinar. 00:06:40.360 --> 00:06:42.920 Dr. Hatch is a research ecologist 00:06:42.920 --> 00:06:47.460 with the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' Science and Heritage division. 00:06:47.889 --> 00:06:50.477 Dr. Hatch coordinates our efforts to monitor 00:06:50.477 --> 00:06:53.367 underwater sound across the sanctuary system 00:06:53.367 --> 00:06:57.606 and apply that information to better protect these special places. 00:06:57.606 --> 00:07:02.666 She co-led the Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring Project with the US Navy, 00:07:02.666 --> 00:07:07.121 and co-leads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's 00:07:07.121 --> 00:07:11.671 Ocean Noise Strategy initiative with colleagues in NOAA Fisheries. 00:07:11.671 --> 00:07:15.364 Dr. Hatch lives with her family in Boston, Massachusetts, 00:07:15.364 --> 00:07:19.200 and she began working with Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, 00:07:19.200 --> 00:07:20.890 off the coast of Massachusetts, 00:07:20.890 --> 00:07:24.620 after a fellowship working on fisheries and ocean legislation 00:07:24.620 --> 00:07:28.670 in the US House of Representatives. 00:07:28.670 --> 00:07:34.170 She received a doctoral degree from Cornell University in evolutionary biology 00:07:34.170 --> 00:07:38.420 focused on relationships among fin whale populations. 00:07:38.420 --> 00:07:41.200 She has participated in research programs off the coast of 00:07:41.200 --> 00:07:47.310 Australia, Madagascar, Hawaii, California, and Massachusetts 00:07:47.310 --> 00:07:50.810 to study potential impacts from a variety of human activities 00:07:50.810 --> 00:07:52.742 on whale and dolphin populations. 00:07:52.742 --> 00:07:55.291 Thank you, Dr. Hatch, for joining us today. 00:07:57.226 --> 00:08:00.000 - Thank you very much Chloe and Claire. 00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:01.072 Can you hear me alright? 00:08:03.349 --> 00:08:04.782 - Yes, yes we can. 00:08:04.782 --> 00:08:05.483 - Thank you. 00:08:05.864 --> 00:08:08.244 Thank you for attending today's webinar. 00:08:08.244 --> 00:08:09.272 As we introduce the 00:08:09.272 --> 00:08:12.988 Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring project's new web portal. 00:08:13.322 --> 00:08:16.990 This portal was built to support a real range of users, 00:08:16.990 --> 00:08:18.959 from those with a general interest in 00:08:18.959 --> 00:08:21.604 what we hear in national marine sanctuaries, 00:08:21.604 --> 00:08:24.491 to those who are interested in using the measurements of sound 00:08:24.491 --> 00:08:25.938 that we provide in the portal 00:08:25.938 --> 00:08:28.768 to better understand and protect these places. 00:08:29.054 --> 00:08:32.394 And my plan today is to highlight parts of the portal 00:08:32.394 --> 00:08:35.110 that can serve these diverse purposes. 00:08:35.110 --> 00:08:38.875 I won't be able to delve deeply into any specific use today, 00:08:38.875 --> 00:08:41.270 but we are leaving time for questions 00:08:41.270 --> 00:08:43.624 and can follow up on what interests you. 00:08:44.672 --> 00:08:48.527 So to begin, I'd like to prepare for listening. 00:08:48.527 --> 00:08:50.654 I'll be playing a few sounds today. 00:08:50.654 --> 00:08:52.869 Headphones will make them easier to hear 00:08:52.869 --> 00:08:54.625 if you're in a noisy place. 00:08:54.625 --> 00:08:57.486 If you have those, I'd suggest you use them. 00:08:57.820 --> 00:09:00.500 But, regardless of how you are listening, 00:09:00.500 --> 00:09:03.149 I'd like to ask you to close your eyes. 00:09:03.864 --> 00:09:06.642 If possible, I'd like you to keep them closed 00:09:06.642 --> 00:09:07.952 for the beginning of this talk 00:09:07.952 --> 00:09:11.750 for about five minutes, if you can, starting now. 00:09:13.288 --> 00:09:16.980 Because this talk is about hearing underwater 00:09:16.980 --> 00:09:19.177 where light degrades quickly 00:09:19.558 --> 00:09:22.786 and where listening is the best way to gather information 00:09:22.786 --> 00:09:24.856 about your surroundings, 00:09:25.284 --> 00:09:30.000 and we humans experience this best by shutting our eyes 00:09:30.000 --> 00:09:32.153 and paying attention to the information 00:09:32.153 --> 00:09:34.153 that comes in through our ears. 00:09:36.375 --> 00:09:39.120 If you hadn't seen me at the beginning of this talk, 00:09:39.692 --> 00:09:41.692 what could you learn by listening? 00:09:42.502 --> 00:09:44.879 Well you'd guess what I am. 00:09:44.879 --> 00:09:47.369 Your brain would decode information, 00:09:47.369 --> 00:09:49.346 from the pressure waves that are my voice, 00:09:49.346 --> 00:09:52.798 to guess that I'm a woman of your species. 00:09:53.370 --> 00:09:55.519 And since you're a sophisticated mammal, 00:09:55.519 --> 00:09:58.494 you'd further guess that I'm American, 00:09:58.494 --> 00:10:00.400 likely from the east coast. 00:10:00.400 --> 00:10:04.182 Maybe you even hear that trace of my mother's New Jersey accent. 00:10:05.659 --> 00:10:07.970 And you'd understand what I'm saying. 00:10:07.970 --> 00:10:10.000 Beyond those basics, our common language would 00:10:10.000 --> 00:10:12.622 encode the complex information content 00:10:12.622 --> 00:10:15.346 that I want to pass on to you today. 00:10:15.346 --> 00:10:17.692 It would also include those signals about 00:10:17.692 --> 00:10:22.860 my state, my age, my health, my emotions. 00:10:23.384 --> 00:10:25.625 If we were in a room together, 00:10:26.435 --> 00:10:27.695 you'd know where I am. 00:10:29.077 --> 00:10:30.936 Your ears and brain, 00:10:31.603 --> 00:10:33.866 with some help from the movement of your head, 00:10:34.799 --> 00:10:37.133 would decode directionality from my voice. 00:10:38.276 --> 00:10:42.255 They would also work together to estimate how far away I am, 00:10:42.589 --> 00:10:44.919 and they would do this with even more accuracy 00:10:44.919 --> 00:10:46.443 if you're visually impaired. 00:10:47.968 --> 00:10:49.742 Beyond listening to me, 00:10:49.742 --> 00:10:53.076 if you were to unplug your headphones, 00:10:53.077 --> 00:10:55.743 listen to the space you're sitting in right now, 00:10:56.696 --> 00:11:01.045 you'd know a lot about that space without looking. 00:11:02.664 --> 00:11:04.210 If it's a room, 00:11:04.210 --> 00:11:06.972 you'd guess whether there are other people there with you. 00:11:07.402 --> 00:11:11.064 You'd guess whether the ceilings are high or low, 00:11:11.064 --> 00:11:13.476 whether the floor has carpet or not. 00:11:14.619 --> 00:11:16.924 A visually impaired person has learned to 00:11:16.924 --> 00:11:19.430 paint the environment around them in their mind 00:11:19.430 --> 00:11:20.838 using what they hear. 00:11:21.839 --> 00:11:24.420 We can get all of that from our hearing, 00:11:24.420 --> 00:11:28.480 as we're mammals that have done a lot of our evolving in air 00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:31.839 with visual cues as our dominant information source. 00:11:32.411 --> 00:11:33.728 But for marine animals, 00:11:33.728 --> 00:11:35.962 vision is not providing as much information. 00:11:35.962 --> 00:11:40.000 Sound is traveling over four times faster than it would in air, 00:11:40.524 --> 00:11:44.348 and thus, it's both a necessary and efficient way 00:11:44.348 --> 00:11:46.875 to use sound for information. 00:11:48.066 --> 00:11:49.589 The more we study marine animals, 00:11:49.589 --> 00:11:52.709 the more we are discovering that sensitivity and use of sound 00:11:52.709 --> 00:11:54.852 is more a rule than an exception, 00:11:55.378 --> 00:11:58.289 and that communication by producing sounds, 00:11:58.289 --> 00:12:00.908 either vocally or with body parts, 00:12:01.337 --> 00:12:04.489 is common across diverse taxonomic groups 00:12:04.489 --> 00:12:08.665 of invertebrates, fish, and mammals. 00:12:08.665 --> 00:12:12.275 So, what does it sound like down there. 00:12:13.990 --> 00:12:16.057 Although there's a lot of variation, 00:12:16.057 --> 00:12:17.566 there are three components 00:12:17.566 --> 00:12:19.757 to what we hear when we listen underwater. 00:12:19.758 --> 00:12:23.039 First there are sounds made by the physical environment. 00:12:23.564 --> 00:12:25.529 These can include wind and waves. 00:12:25.529 --> 00:12:27.665 (wind and wave sounds) 00:12:30.476 --> 00:12:31.223 Rain. 00:12:31.223 --> 00:12:32.495 (rain) 00:12:36.593 --> 00:12:38.938 And then there are the sounds made by animals, 00:12:38.938 --> 00:12:41.068 from invertebrates, like snapping shrimp, 00:12:41.068 --> 00:12:45.475 (snapping shrimp sounds) 00:12:46.523 --> 00:12:47.456 fish, 00:12:47.456 --> 00:13:00.000 (fish noises) 00:13:01.982 --> 00:13:02.958 small toothed whale. 00:13:02.958 --> 00:13:06.263 (small toothed whale screech) 00:13:07.717 --> 00:13:10.000 Some of the largest animals in the world: 00:13:10.000 --> 00:13:11.709 (baleen whale song) 00:13:11.709 --> 00:13:12.828 the baleen whale. 00:13:12.828 --> 00:13:22.137 (baleen whale song) 00:13:23.518 --> 00:13:26.309 And finally, in most of the world's places, 00:13:26.309 --> 00:13:28.807 there are sounds made by people, 00:13:28.807 --> 00:13:33.609 including by our boats, small and large, 00:13:37.182 --> 00:13:39.292 our fisheries, 00:13:42.722 --> 00:13:44.290 and our research, 00:13:45.195 --> 00:13:46.385 among many others. 00:13:46.385 --> 00:13:54.155 (high pitched hum). 00:13:54.155 --> 00:13:56.227 You can open your eyes. 00:13:59.305 --> 00:14:04.099 Let's imagine, that we wanted to compare how it sounds 00:14:04.099 --> 00:14:08.315 in all the places where you're listening to this webinar today. 00:14:08.315 --> 00:14:10.000 Let's say each of you 00:14:10.000 --> 00:14:12.762 was responsible for making some measurements, 00:14:12.762 --> 00:14:15.184 so that we could understand the similarities and differences 00:14:15.184 --> 00:14:17.480 and what it sounds like around you. 00:14:36.261 --> 00:14:39.595 Together, we would face the very questions, 00:14:39.595 --> 00:14:40.953 if we were to do that, 00:14:40.953 --> 00:14:44.353 that we faced in the Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring project. 00:14:44.829 --> 00:14:48.295 The goal of this project was to measure underwater sound 00:14:48.295 --> 00:14:51.511 in places as diverse as the remote waters of 00:14:51.511 --> 00:14:55.149 the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, 00:14:55.149 --> 00:14:58.608 surrounding the northwestern Hawaiian archipelago, 00:14:58.608 --> 00:15:00.537 to the sanctuaries that provide 00:15:00.537 --> 00:15:03.920 coastal and offshore waters protection 00:15:03.920 --> 00:15:07.047 off the east and the west coast of the United States 00:15:07.047 --> 00:15:10.286 and to be able to compare the features of these places. 00:15:10.905 --> 00:15:12.807 In each of them, we expected to hear 00:15:12.807 --> 00:15:15.428 the many types of animals that make sound. 00:15:17.334 --> 00:15:20.000 We also expected to hear 00:15:21.191 --> 00:15:23.865 the many things that people do offshore there 00:15:23.865 --> 00:15:26.564 and the sound of the physical environment. 00:15:26.564 --> 00:15:29.874 In total, these features make up the place's soundscape, 00:15:29.874 --> 00:15:32.135 and we set out to measure them in ways that could be 00:15:32.135 --> 00:15:34.608 compared across the country. 00:15:35.562 --> 00:15:38.879 To do this, we had to measure in the same way. 00:15:38.879 --> 00:15:42.421 We set up instrumentation, sometimes using divers, 00:15:42.421 --> 00:15:45.940 sometimes from boats, that we maintained periodically, 00:15:45.940 --> 00:15:50.140 but that recorded information in the same way. 00:15:50.140 --> 00:15:52.091 In a few places, we also used 00:15:52.091 --> 00:15:54.235 autonomous vehicles, called gliders, 00:15:54.235 --> 00:15:57.231 to listen on pre-programmed paths. 00:15:58.039 --> 00:15:59.238 We then set about to measure 00:15:59.238 --> 00:16:01.195 the same features from these recordings, 00:16:01.195 --> 00:16:04.877 including their loudness, which we measure as intensity, 00:16:04.877 --> 00:16:10.000 and their pitch or tone, which we measure as frequency. 00:16:11.144 --> 00:16:14.620 And when we compare what we hear in different places, 00:16:14.620 --> 00:16:17.156 we expect the differences and similarities 00:16:17.156 --> 00:16:21.420 to reflect what is and is not making sound in those places, 00:16:21.849 --> 00:16:24.869 but we also have to account for how the environment changes 00:16:24.869 --> 00:16:27.940 what we can record in these places. 00:16:28.608 --> 00:16:31.011 This animation shows 00:16:32.815 --> 00:16:35.060 some of the variables that we have to account for. 00:16:35.060 --> 00:16:36.298 This blue whale 00:16:36.298 --> 00:16:40.000 is calling in deeper waters using very low tones, or pitches, 00:16:40.000 --> 00:16:42.200 and its sound is traveling farther 00:16:42.200 --> 00:16:45.860 and is being recorded on several of these yellow recorders, 00:16:45.860 --> 00:16:49.959 but the dolphins, closer to the coast, in shallower water, 00:16:49.959 --> 00:16:53.269 are making sounds with higher pitches, 00:16:53.269 --> 00:16:55.517 and those sounds are only being recorded 00:16:55.517 --> 00:16:57.470 on a nearby yellow recorder. 00:16:57.708 --> 00:17:02.220 So, we learn that the pitch, or the frequency of the sound, 00:17:02.220 --> 00:17:06.080 as well as the environment, like how deep the water is, 00:17:06.080 --> 00:17:10.000 affects what we hear in any one place where we record. 00:17:11.155 --> 00:17:14.978 We can use our understanding of how far away 00:17:14.978 --> 00:17:17.740 we can hear different sounds under different conditions 00:17:17.740 --> 00:17:20.877 to predict the area over which we're monitoring. 00:17:22.258 --> 00:17:24.809 These maps help us interpret the information 00:17:24.809 --> 00:17:26.191 we get from our recorders, 00:17:26.191 --> 00:17:31.807 telling us how representative each is of a wider area surrounding it. 00:17:31.807 --> 00:17:34.790 You can see here, these areas can be very different 00:17:34.790 --> 00:17:37.276 for sounds with different pitches. 00:17:37.276 --> 00:17:39.306 These maps are of a recorder 00:17:39.306 --> 00:17:41.450 on the northside of Santa Rosa Island 00:17:41.450 --> 00:17:43.878 in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary 00:17:43.878 --> 00:17:44.963 off Southern California, 00:17:44.963 --> 00:17:49.449 and they show you that this lower pitched sound, at 63 hertz, 00:17:50.000 --> 00:17:54.425 had lower pitch sounds over a larger area 00:17:54.425 --> 00:17:57.711 contributed to that recorder. 00:17:58.237 --> 00:18:01.822 But sounds a bit higher in pitch, at 1,000 hertz, 00:18:01.822 --> 00:18:05.800 came from a much more local area, on the left. 00:18:07.229 --> 00:18:10.012 So these were the guiding principles 00:18:10.870 --> 00:18:13.516 for comparing features of sound, over 00:18:13.516 --> 00:18:15.839 long time periods and over great distances, 00:18:15.839 --> 00:18:17.847 that were the heart of the SanctSound project, 00:18:17.847 --> 00:18:19.777 and the portal provides 00:18:19.777 --> 00:18:22.826 educational information about all of them. 00:18:22.826 --> 00:18:25.370 So, I think we'll head there now. 00:18:25.370 --> 00:18:28.170 To sanctsound.ioos.us. 00:18:30.409 --> 00:18:33.532 And all of the visuals that i just showed, and more, 00:18:33.532 --> 00:18:38.093 are available through the portal's six tutorials 00:18:38.093 --> 00:18:40.190 that are accessed by these questions: 00:18:40.190 --> 00:18:42.450 why and how did we listen; 00:18:42.450 --> 00:18:43.960 what did we measure; 00:18:43.960 --> 00:18:45.290 what did we learn; 00:18:45.290 --> 00:18:46.780 where and when do we listen; 00:18:46.780 --> 00:18:47.780 what do we hear 00:18:47.780 --> 00:18:49.370 and who are we. 00:18:50.466 --> 00:18:53.543 Let's begin by choosing a place 00:18:54.544 --> 00:18:56.544 from this interactive map. 00:18:56.783 --> 00:18:59.304 Here are the sanctuaries where we recorded. 00:18:59.304 --> 00:19:03.064 Let's head to the central California coastline on the west coast 00:19:03.064 --> 00:19:05.427 and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. 00:19:05.999 --> 00:19:07.810 When we select this spot, 00:19:07.810 --> 00:19:11.799 we see an acoustic scene of all of the sources of sound 00:19:11.799 --> 00:19:13.815 that we identified during the project 00:19:13.815 --> 00:19:15.769 in this sanctuary soundscape. 00:19:15.769 --> 00:19:17.680 We can choose one of them. 00:19:18.156 --> 00:19:20.618 Let's choose this humpback whale. 00:19:21.666 --> 00:19:25.472 For each of these, we can listen to a recording 00:19:25.472 --> 00:19:28.581 of that animal in that place, 00:19:29.582 --> 00:19:33.677 and we can look at when this source was identified – 00:19:33.677 --> 00:19:35.661 these humpback whales were heard 00:19:35.661 --> 00:19:38.071 in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. 00:19:38.071 --> 00:19:42.025 We can look at that time series on the bottom 00:19:42.025 --> 00:19:44.313 and number of times we heard that animal 00:19:44.313 --> 00:19:46.981 on the y-axis as a chart. 00:19:47.504 --> 00:19:51.540 We can also look at it as a cyclical plot, a clock plot, 00:19:51.540 --> 00:19:54.860 that shows the months of the year going around in a circle 00:19:54.860 --> 00:19:58.780 and the times of the year when we heard more humpback whales 00:19:58.780 --> 00:20:02.290 have peaks of sound out from the center of the circle. 00:20:02.290 --> 00:20:04.610 You can see we heard more humpback whales 00:20:04.610 --> 00:20:07.390 in the fall and the winter months in Monterey Bay. 00:20:08.629 --> 00:20:11.559 Let's say you're particularly interested in humpback whales, 00:20:11.559 --> 00:20:13.251 and you want to know where else 00:20:13.251 --> 00:20:15.394 in the sanctuary system we heard them. 00:20:15.852 --> 00:20:20.652 Clicking here will allow you to go more deeply into the portal. 00:20:24.797 --> 00:20:28.556 And what you'll see, are all the locations 00:20:28.556 --> 00:20:31.113 where we heard humpback whales 00:20:32.495 --> 00:20:35.857 and the times of the year in which we heard them. 00:20:36.762 --> 00:20:41.168 For each of the sounds that we identified in this project, 00:20:41.168 --> 00:20:44.181 these menus will allow you to see whether 00:20:44.181 --> 00:20:48.232 we heard them in just a few places, or in many, 00:20:48.232 --> 00:20:51.200 and where we heard them in many places, you can compare 00:20:51.200 --> 00:20:53.889 when we heard them during the year, and for some, 00:20:53.889 --> 00:20:56.045 even what time of day we heard them. 00:20:57.046 --> 00:20:59.736 Ok, so let's head back to those 00:20:59.736 --> 00:21:02.515 sanctuary overview pages again. 00:21:03.277 --> 00:21:06.286 Make our way to a different sanctuary. 00:21:07.477 --> 00:21:10.560 Let's choose the east coast United States 00:21:11.513 --> 00:21:14.408 at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary 00:21:14.408 --> 00:21:15.943 in coastal Massachusetts. 00:21:16.753 --> 00:21:18.682 Here you see a different acoustic scene 00:21:18.682 --> 00:21:22.040 with the sources that were identified in this sanctuary soundscape. 00:21:22.422 --> 00:21:25.163 Let's click on "where did we listen." 00:21:25.163 --> 00:21:27.251 You'll see a map of that sanctuary. 00:21:27.251 --> 00:21:30.670 Each of the locations where we were recording are identified, 00:21:30.670 --> 00:21:33.274 and if you click on them, it tells you a small amount 00:21:33.274 --> 00:21:35.586 about why we selected that site. 00:21:35.586 --> 00:21:37.545 This site, 01, was selected 00:21:37.545 --> 00:21:39.307 because we heard Atlantic cod there 00:21:39.307 --> 00:21:42.737 and because it was a place with a lot of vessel activity. 00:21:42.928 --> 00:21:47.334 We show you an example of how far we could hear. 00:21:47.334 --> 00:21:49.466 This example is for lower frequencies 00:21:49.466 --> 00:21:52.230 in the month of April in the springtime. 00:21:52.230 --> 00:21:54.274 You can see we hear over 00:21:54.274 --> 00:21:57.180 quite a large area of the sanctuary and beyond 00:21:57.180 --> 00:21:59.424 at those lower frequencies in the spring, 00:21:59.424 --> 00:22:01.939 and you can see that we monitored 00:22:01.939 --> 00:22:05.560 almost continuously at this site 00:22:05.560 --> 00:22:08.808 over the three plus years of monitoring effort there. 00:22:08.808 --> 00:22:10.968 Ok, and what did we hear? 00:22:11.874 --> 00:22:15.616 Under "what did we measure," we summarize 00:22:16.378 --> 00:22:18.863 the features of that sanctuary soundscape. 00:22:18.863 --> 00:22:22.864 The first summarization is a spectrogram, 00:22:22.864 --> 00:22:28.842 which is time on the x-axis and frequency on the y-axis, 00:22:28.842 --> 00:22:31.661 with lower pitches, or tones, at the bottom 00:22:31.661 --> 00:22:34.234 and higher pitches, or tones, at the top. 00:22:34.234 --> 00:22:39.762 And this annotation shows you right away that the warmer colors, 00:22:39.762 --> 00:22:42.799 which show louder sounds, 00:22:42.799 --> 00:22:45.114 are mostly at the bottom of the spectrogram 00:22:45.114 --> 00:22:47.739 over this long period of time. 00:22:48.093 --> 00:22:51.701 Showing you the dominant features of the soundscape 00:22:51.701 --> 00:22:55.728 are mostly at the lower pitches, or the lower tones. 00:22:56.824 --> 00:22:59.782 If you look at this power spectrum, 00:22:59.782 --> 00:23:02.116 it summarizes that same thing, 00:23:02.116 --> 00:23:06.419 That now over frequencies getting higher and higher to the right 00:23:06.419 --> 00:23:08.943 and loudness going up. 00:23:09.850 --> 00:23:13.329 The middle and lower frequencies of the soundscape are dominant; 00:23:13.329 --> 00:23:16.763 the higher frequencies are less so. 00:23:17.192 --> 00:23:19.391 Was it like this all of the time? 00:23:22.297 --> 00:23:27.421 These plots help you understand what this location was like on average, 00:23:27.421 --> 00:23:30.806 but they also show you when it diverged from average, 00:23:30.806 --> 00:23:32.283 and how often. 00:23:32.283 --> 00:23:35.483 They show that despite the soundscape having 00:23:35.483 --> 00:23:38.056 more dominant sounds in those lower frequencies, 00:23:38.056 --> 00:23:41.320 the result of that near constant vessel presence, 00:23:41.749 --> 00:23:44.560 there's a seasonal pattern in this place as well. 00:23:44.560 --> 00:23:48.610 With the windy winters being generally louder 00:23:48.610 --> 00:23:53.564 than the summers across many tones, or frequencies. 00:23:55.375 --> 00:23:59.280 So, let's say you're now curious how this soundscape 00:23:59.280 --> 00:24:02.430 compares to other soundscapes around the country. 00:24:02.430 --> 00:24:06.303 For this, we would go, again, more deeply into the portal. 00:24:11.401 --> 00:24:16.794 First, you can delve into each sanctuary's information. 00:24:17.930 --> 00:24:20.474 Let's go back to Stellwagen for a moment 00:24:20.474 --> 00:24:23.469 and look at that sound levels overview tab. 00:24:24.469 --> 00:24:26.257 This shows you the same information 00:24:26.257 --> 00:24:30.000 you were seeing summarized just a moment ago; 00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:32.964 however, here, it is explorable. 00:24:32.964 --> 00:24:36.194 By hovering, you can see the underlying data points, 00:24:36.194 --> 00:24:41.805 and creating windows, you can pick out features of interest 00:24:41.805 --> 00:24:44.377 and see them at higher resolution. 00:24:45.426 --> 00:24:48.127 You can also look at specific pitches 00:24:48.127 --> 00:24:50.461 that you might be the most interested in. 00:24:53.654 --> 00:24:58.119 For those specific pitches, you can enlarge them. 00:25:07.409 --> 00:25:11.238 You can change their binning to see them at finer resolution. 00:25:23.673 --> 00:25:28.413 And for any of these data, you can download them, 00:25:28.842 --> 00:25:30.565 and for each, you'll be given 00:25:30.946 --> 00:25:34.995 a file, metadata, and citation information. 00:25:39.236 --> 00:25:43.653 Ok, so let's get back to our question of being able to compare 00:25:43.653 --> 00:25:46.758 this soundscape to another place. 00:25:46.758 --> 00:25:48.145 To do that, 00:25:51.147 --> 00:25:53.766 let's take a look at 00:25:56.531 --> 00:26:00.608 down the east coast a little further, off the coast of Georgia, 00:26:00.608 --> 00:26:03.208 to Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. 00:26:04.160 --> 00:26:07.528 And in this place, a temperate reef. 00:26:10.482 --> 00:26:14.813 Let's take a look at that same sound levels overview page, 00:26:15.337 --> 00:26:18.177 and right away, your eye can tell you 00:26:18.177 --> 00:26:20.655 that this is a very different soundscape. 00:26:20.655 --> 00:26:23.558 Where in Stellwagen, we were looking at warmth, 00:26:23.558 --> 00:26:27.132 or louder sounds, at the bottom of the spectrogram, 00:26:27.132 --> 00:26:30.000 now we're looking at those warm colors in 00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:32.954 the middle and the higher frequencies of the spectrogram. 00:26:33.296 --> 00:26:35.806 This is a sanctuary soundscape 00:26:35.806 --> 00:26:38.521 that is dominated by biological sounds – 00:26:38.521 --> 00:26:41.205 rich choruses of calling fish, 00:26:41.205 --> 00:26:45.073 as well as snapping shrimp, critters of the reef. 00:26:46.017 --> 00:26:50.756 So we can see that feature, of mid and higher frequency sounds, 00:26:50.756 --> 00:26:53.200 in the power spectrum. 00:26:53.200 --> 00:26:56.544 Now, the lower frequencies are not as dominant 00:26:56.544 --> 00:26:58.310 as they were in Stellwagen, 00:26:58.310 --> 00:27:00.000 and it's the higher frequencies, 00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:02.000 over to the right, that are more dominant. 00:27:02.844 --> 00:27:05.345 If we wanted to co-plot those two things, 00:27:05.345 --> 00:27:08.107 so that we could see them together, 00:27:08.889 --> 00:27:12.696 we can head to the power spectrum compare tool 00:27:13.935 --> 00:27:16.674 and take a look at them on the same plot. 00:27:16.674 --> 00:27:19.223 Here's that Gray's Reef location, 00:27:19.223 --> 00:27:22.250 and here's that Stellwagen Bank location. 00:27:22.727 --> 00:27:25.904 So, you can see over here to the far left, 00:27:25.904 --> 00:27:28.011 that the menu allows you to compare 00:27:28.011 --> 00:27:30.487 any of the places where we recorded 00:27:30.870 --> 00:27:34.360 and take a look at these power spectra together, 00:27:34.360 --> 00:27:37.090 and it shows you those two very different places – 00:27:37.090 --> 00:27:41.140 the higher intensities of lower frequency sounds at Stellwagen 00:27:41.140 --> 00:27:43.604 dropping off at the higher frequencies, 00:27:43.604 --> 00:27:49.180 versus the more intense mid and higher frequencies 00:27:49.180 --> 00:27:51.160 of the Gray's Reef temperate reef. 00:27:52.018 --> 00:27:56.128 Ok, let's head back to the foyer again 00:27:56.128 --> 00:27:58.747 to our overview pages. 00:28:02.464 --> 00:28:05.330 Here, I wanted to show you we have curated 00:28:06.329 --> 00:28:08.758 a series of stories and story maps 00:28:08.758 --> 00:28:11.917 to show you how sound is being used 00:28:11.917 --> 00:28:14.813 to help us answer questions that are important in sanctuaries. 00:28:15.146 --> 00:28:19.367 Each of these short pieces explains 00:28:19.842 --> 00:28:22.130 how we're using this information 00:28:22.130 --> 00:28:25.983 either in a specific sanctuary or at the scale of the system. 00:28:26.221 --> 00:28:27.169 To give you an example, 00:28:27.169 --> 00:28:28.964 let's look at these stories 00:28:28.964 --> 00:28:31.060 for how listening is helping us better understand 00:28:31.060 --> 00:28:35.460 how humpback whales are using the Hawaiian archipelago, 00:28:35.460 --> 00:28:36.573 from the vast waters of the 00:28:36.573 --> 00:28:39.670 Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, to the 00:28:40.528 --> 00:28:43.934 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. 00:28:43.934 --> 00:28:47.237 Several of our stories showcase how listening 00:28:47.237 --> 00:28:51.906 fills in information about where animals are, 00:28:51.906 --> 00:28:55.217 especially during windy winters or in areas 00:28:55.217 --> 00:28:57.851 where surveys off boats or planes are difficult. 00:28:57.851 --> 00:29:02.890 This specific story shows in more depth how 00:29:02.890 --> 00:29:06.190 information from whole choruses of humpback whales 00:29:06.190 --> 00:29:10.540 can help managers estimate how many whales are in a place 00:29:10.540 --> 00:29:13.650 and in different areas of the sanctuary and the monument. 00:29:14.984 --> 00:29:16.865 At a different scale, 00:29:19.465 --> 00:29:22.418 our national story about vessels 00:29:22.418 --> 00:29:25.060 looks at how sound information, 00:29:25.060 --> 00:29:28.728 gathered in a comparable way at a whole system level, 00:29:28.728 --> 00:29:30.321 can help us answer questions about 00:29:30.321 --> 00:29:34.036 patterns of visitation across that system. 00:29:34.800 --> 00:29:38.023 This information can also 00:29:40.405 --> 00:29:43.454 help us understand how much influence 00:29:43.454 --> 00:29:48.907 noise from vessels is having on soundscapes across our system, 00:29:48.907 --> 00:29:52.961 and how that influence changes over time. 00:29:53.853 --> 00:29:56.335 Providing some examples 00:29:56.335 --> 00:30:00.000 of the changes that we have seen during the COVID pandemic. 00:30:02.386 --> 00:30:07.079 Let's say, you would like to build your own story. 00:30:07.984 --> 00:30:12.639 So again, here, we'll head to the deeper portal, 00:30:17.260 --> 00:30:21.450 and now we'll head off the west coast of the United States 00:30:21.450 --> 00:30:24.160 to the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary – 00:30:24.160 --> 00:30:27.292 the Pacific Northwest off the state of Washington. 00:30:27.292 --> 00:30:30.480 And we'll look at this site that's in the northern sanctuary 00:30:31.672 --> 00:30:33.529 near the shipping lanes that access 00:30:33.529 --> 00:30:36.244 the ports of Seattle and Vancouver. 00:30:38.913 --> 00:30:41.935 Let's take a look at the lower frequencies of sound 00:30:41.935 --> 00:30:43.788 that are affected by the vessels 00:30:43.788 --> 00:30:46.836 that are coming and going in that lane. 00:30:51.602 --> 00:30:52.732 And what I want to show you, 00:30:52.732 --> 00:30:56.736 is your ability to start to build your own story of interest. 00:30:58.165 --> 00:31:05.519 So, selecting a frequency that is influenced by vessel noise. 00:31:07.377 --> 00:31:11.571 Let's add that information to a data view. 00:31:14.239 --> 00:31:16.412 Say, we're also interested in the 00:31:16.412 --> 00:31:19.365 number of vessels that we counted 00:31:19.365 --> 00:31:24.636 by listening for them going by our monitoring station. 00:31:25.541 --> 00:31:31.259 Let's add that information as well to our data view. 00:31:39.740 --> 00:31:42.490 And since killer whales are an animal 00:31:42.490 --> 00:31:44.998 whose presence in a noisy environment 00:31:44.998 --> 00:31:46.998 can be a protective concern, 00:31:47.428 --> 00:31:53.989 let's also add the number of them that we heard to our data view. 00:31:59.802 --> 00:32:01.241 And finally, 00:32:02.003 --> 00:32:04.575 since we're really interested in vessels in this spot, 00:32:05.529 --> 00:32:07.567 let's take another look at the data type 00:32:08.996 --> 00:32:11.730 that the portal provides access to, 00:32:11.730 --> 00:32:13.039 and that's the number of vessels 00:32:13.039 --> 00:32:16.373 that were passing close by to our recorder 00:32:16.373 --> 00:32:18.481 and were carrying on them a transponder 00:32:18.481 --> 00:32:21.197 that's used in vessel tracking, called AIS. 00:32:21.197 --> 00:32:23.541 We've summarized those counts 00:32:23.541 --> 00:32:26.542 for every one of our recording locations. 00:32:27.837 --> 00:32:32.672 And let's add that information to our data view as well. 00:32:34.665 --> 00:32:36.308 And now, let's take a look at it. 00:32:39.789 --> 00:32:45.370 So, this data view now brings together information about 00:32:45.370 --> 00:32:52.131 sound levels, sound detections of an animal, as well as vessels, 00:32:52.131 --> 00:32:56.270 as well as the number of vessels that were counted using AIS. 00:32:56.889 --> 00:32:59.265 And they can be printed and saved 00:32:59.551 --> 00:33:02.170 for you to start building your own stories. 00:33:04.030 --> 00:33:06.073 If we head back to the home page, 00:33:08.550 --> 00:33:11.840 we've also included some data views that show you 00:33:11.840 --> 00:33:15.600 how you can integrate information from other sources 00:33:15.600 --> 00:33:20.000 of monitoring in the oceans with information from sound. 00:33:21.248 --> 00:33:22.437 These examples, 00:33:24.580 --> 00:33:25.627 To give you an example of this, 00:33:25.627 --> 00:33:30.349 let's look at this example from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 00:33:30.420 --> 00:33:34.320 during a time period in August 2020 when Hurricane Laura 00:33:34.320 --> 00:33:37.980 passed close to our recording station. 00:33:37.980 --> 00:33:42.800 Here, we've drawn in wind information and wave information, 00:33:42.800 --> 00:33:45.680 as well as our sound information. 00:33:45.680 --> 00:33:49.600 So we can take a look at what we heard 00:33:49.600 --> 00:33:53.160 during those peak winds recorded during the storm. 00:34:00.592 --> 00:34:03.319 It's taking a minute to load, we'll give it a second. 00:34:05.150 --> 00:34:08.861 The other data views, also on that home page, 00:34:08.861 --> 00:34:12.622 show how this integration is now possible 00:34:13.193 --> 00:34:18.481 between several of the portals that can be accessed at ioos.us. 00:34:19.148 --> 00:34:22.225 Information from the environmental sensor data portals, 00:34:22.225 --> 00:34:25.021 from the marine biological observation network, 00:34:25.021 --> 00:34:26.831 and a few other examples, 00:34:26.831 --> 00:34:31.485 including how temperature might relate to how fishes calling 00:34:31.485 --> 00:34:34.238 in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, 00:34:34.238 --> 00:34:38.461 and examples of humpback whale arrival timing 00:34:38.461 --> 00:34:42.710 at sanctuaries in the Pacific related to marine heat waves. 00:34:42.710 --> 00:34:46.339 So, these are again just examples to show 00:34:46.339 --> 00:34:49.609 that it is possible to draw these data sets together 00:34:49.609 --> 00:34:54.010 and think about listening in addition to other observations. 00:34:55.153 --> 00:35:03.118 So I want to close by heading back to where we started, 00:35:03.118 --> 00:35:06.359 and showing you where the sounds are in these places. 00:35:07.074 --> 00:35:09.094 In our sanctuary overview places, 00:35:09.094 --> 00:35:14.100 you can listen to example sounds through these menus 00:35:14.100 --> 00:35:19.273 of lots of different types of animals, human-made sources, 00:35:20.750 --> 00:35:22.750 physical sources, 00:35:23.704 --> 00:35:27.374 and then examples of what the soundscapes 00:35:27.374 --> 00:35:30.899 are like in all of these national marine sanctuaries 00:35:30.899 --> 00:35:33.710 that include many sources together. 00:35:33.710 --> 00:35:35.922 So you can get a sense for the experience 00:35:35.922 --> 00:35:37.922 of listening underwater in these places. 00:35:39.638 --> 00:35:43.722 For an even fuller portfolio of the sounds that are available, 00:35:43.722 --> 00:35:49.095 you can head to the data portal and the sound library. 00:35:49.762 --> 00:35:55.202 Here, you'll be able to play 290 sounds 00:35:55.202 --> 00:35:58.740 that were archived as part of this project. 00:36:01.217 --> 00:36:07.817 Finally, I just want to head back to the slides for a minute. 00:36:09.341 --> 00:36:16.140 To close by highlighting the incredibly large team of people 00:36:16.140 --> 00:36:18.676 whose efforts created this information resource 00:36:18.676 --> 00:36:20.201 and made it available. 00:36:20.201 --> 00:36:25.282 Importantly, the US Navy provided funding and co-led this project. 00:36:26.235 --> 00:36:28.989 It represents the collective efforts of a team 00:36:28.989 --> 00:36:32.419 of field operators, scientists, data managers, 00:36:32.419 --> 00:36:35.430 communication specialists, and web developers 00:36:35.430 --> 00:36:39.310 from 24 institutions across the country who helped build it. 00:36:39.739 --> 00:36:42.338 And we hope that you'll continue to investigate it, 00:36:42.338 --> 00:36:46.720 and we intend to grow it and continue to apply it 00:36:46.720 --> 00:36:49.820 in our management of national marine sanctuaries. 00:36:50.476 --> 00:36:53.367 And with that, I think I'll turn it over to Claire. 00:36:54.606 --> 00:36:58.558 - Excellent, thank you for that Dr Leila Hatch. 00:36:59.320 --> 00:37:01.544 Appreciate it. 00:37:01.544 --> 00:37:03.300 Before we go to questions, 00:37:03.300 --> 00:37:06.586 I wanted to spend just a little bit of time 00:37:07.310 --> 00:37:12.390 letting our audience know about our new resource collections, 00:37:12.390 --> 00:37:17.704 which as part of our 50th anniversary campaign, 00:37:17.704 --> 00:37:20.329 we've been launching, about once a month, 00:37:20.329 --> 00:37:25.137 these really robust resource collections that include 00:37:25.137 --> 00:37:29.100 videos and virtual reality content, lesson plans, 00:37:29.100 --> 00:37:34.070 background information, web stories, infographics, etc. 00:37:34.070 --> 00:37:36.890 So here's a snapshot of, we have six now, 00:37:36.890 --> 00:37:40.000 but here's four of them that we are offering, 00:37:40.000 --> 00:37:42.749 and Chloe's going to go ahead and put the link in. 00:37:43.178 --> 00:37:45.682 And one in particular 00:37:45.682 --> 00:37:49.714 that Dr Hatch and her extended team helped out with 00:37:49.714 --> 00:37:54.788 was our Ocean Sound and Impact of Noise resource collection. 00:37:54.788 --> 00:37:59.118 So, let's go ahead and explore that a little bit more 00:37:59.118 --> 00:38:02.310 since we have a segment of time here. 00:38:02.310 --> 00:38:06.210 So as I mentioned, we now have six of them. 00:38:06.210 --> 00:38:10.730 So, we just launched kelp forest ecosystems yesterday, 00:38:10.730 --> 00:38:12.870 and last week we launched our ocean acidification. 00:38:12.870 --> 00:38:14.990 So, we had a couple this month 00:38:14.990 --> 00:38:16.600 that we're playing catch-up on. 00:38:16.600 --> 00:38:19.090 But let's dig a little bit deeper 00:38:19.090 --> 00:38:22.619 into our Ocean Sound and Impact of Noise. 00:38:22.619 --> 00:38:25.869 So, lots of the background information, 00:38:25.869 --> 00:38:28.240 some of which Leila touched on, 00:38:28.240 --> 00:38:30.586 can be found in this collection. 00:38:32.206 --> 00:38:32.706 For example, 00:38:32.706 --> 00:38:36.219 if you go to the sound monitoring project overview page, 00:38:36.219 --> 00:38:39.438 you will see the link to that SanctSound data portal 00:38:39.438 --> 00:38:42.190 that she spent time going into, 00:38:42.190 --> 00:38:45.079 and you can see lots of information, 00:38:45.079 --> 00:38:48.040 including the story map and web stories. 00:38:48.040 --> 00:38:50.850 So there's going to be a whole number of places 00:38:50.850 --> 00:38:52.812 that you can get this content. 00:38:54.004 --> 00:39:01.060 Let's talk about lessons related to sound and bioacoustics. 00:39:01.060 --> 00:39:02.730 We have this great lesson here, 00:39:02.730 --> 00:39:04.620 which is grades three through five, 00:39:04.620 --> 00:39:09.127 on how increased ocean noise affects whales, 00:39:10.000 --> 00:39:11.418 and you can see what some of the 00:39:11.418 --> 00:39:14.522 learning objectives are for students. 00:39:20.000 --> 00:39:22.740 Another one, this one from, I believe, our 00:39:22.740 --> 00:39:24.520 Olympic Coast Sanctuary. 00:39:24.520 --> 00:39:27.538 Maybe I can even make these larger. 00:39:29.730 --> 00:39:32.350 Understanding and be able to hypothesize about 00:39:32.350 --> 00:39:34.730 the reasons that whales make vocalizations 00:39:34.730 --> 00:39:37.730 and why they depend on hearing rather than vision. 00:39:37.730 --> 00:39:40.298 You get to listen to those vocalizations, 00:39:41.394 --> 00:39:44.588 and there's lots of other great learning objectives there. 00:39:46.779 --> 00:39:51.410 We've had several of these distance learning live events 00:39:51.410 --> 00:39:56.186 that have focused on sound, passive acoustic monitoring, 00:39:56.186 --> 00:39:59.184 humpback whales revealed through 00:39:59.184 --> 00:40:01.660 acoustics in our Hawaiian archipelago, 00:40:02.377 --> 00:40:07.168 listening to "see" beneath the waves using soundscape monitoring 00:40:07.168 --> 00:40:08.550 in the Channel Islands. 00:40:08.550 --> 00:40:11.191 So, these are all one hour live events, 00:40:11.191 --> 00:40:13.239 like you're participating in right now 00:40:13.239 --> 00:40:15.367 but recordings of them. 00:40:17.233 --> 00:40:20.000 We have a whole slew of Earth is Blue 00:40:20.000 --> 00:40:24.830 and other related NOAA and national marine sanctuary videos 00:40:24.830 --> 00:40:27.961 on sound and soundscapes. 00:40:27.961 --> 00:40:32.084 So, this is where you would get the link for many of those. 00:40:39.040 --> 00:40:41.326 Leila mentioned many of the web stories 00:40:41.326 --> 00:40:45.167 that can also be found in that SactSound data portal. 00:40:45.852 --> 00:40:48.198 And then we have this sort of catch-all category 00:40:48.198 --> 00:40:51.303 on additional material related to sound. 00:40:51.970 --> 00:40:55.691 Gray's Reef hydrophone virtual dive, 00:40:56.216 --> 00:40:59.677 boat visitation at Gray's Reef story map, 00:41:00.439 --> 00:41:03.310 NOAA's ocean noise strategy engagement, etc. 00:41:03.310 --> 00:41:08.030 So, these are collections that we encourage 00:41:08.030 --> 00:41:10.569 our educators and interested public 00:41:10.569 --> 00:41:13.158 to explore and learn more about, 00:41:13.158 --> 00:41:17.869 and certainly, as we continue developing a variety of topics, 00:41:17.869 --> 00:41:20.728 you can find a lot of the content here, 00:41:20.728 --> 00:41:23.723 and the link should be in our 00:41:26.010 --> 00:41:27.010 chat here. 00:41:27.010 --> 00:41:32.481 So, with that, why don't we go ahead and get some questions. 00:41:34.720 --> 00:41:35.525 So let's see. 00:41:35.525 --> 00:41:38.096 Chloe why don't you kick it off with a question here. 00:41:39.144 --> 00:41:42.760 - Yes I see one that says, 00:41:42.760 --> 00:41:44.950 have you been able to make many recordings 00:41:44.950 --> 00:41:48.467 from very deep water offshore in Hawaii in the 00:41:48.467 --> 00:41:54.039 Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. 00:41:57.041 --> 00:41:58.600 - In this project, 00:41:58.600 --> 00:42:01.350 we actually were seeking to fill in some of the gaps 00:42:01.350 --> 00:42:04.137 in our shallower water listening knowledge 00:42:04.137 --> 00:42:05.590 in some of our sanctuaries. 00:42:05.590 --> 00:42:09.540 We have partnership projects that are also really important, 00:42:09.540 --> 00:42:14.429 both in NOAA and with partners outside of NOAA, 00:42:14.429 --> 00:42:20.000 that have provided a real wealth of deeper water information. 00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:22.590 And in the monument, specifically, 00:42:22.590 --> 00:42:27.320 we recorded beyond the shallower water locations 00:42:27.320 --> 00:42:29.378 where we had placed our hydrophones 00:42:29.759 --> 00:42:31.760 during the course of SanctSound 00:42:31.760 --> 00:42:36.461 with a wave glider that swam a course of 00:42:36.461 --> 00:42:42.850 over 2,600 nautical miles for 67 days in the monument 00:42:42.850 --> 00:42:47.280 to try to cover more of the listening area of that place, 00:42:47.280 --> 00:42:51.150 but we didn't have any deeper water recorders in place 00:42:51.150 --> 00:42:53.442 during the time period. 00:42:54.729 --> 00:42:56.359 - Kind of a follow-up to that, 00:42:56.359 --> 00:43:00.000 also like geological sounds, deep sea vents, 00:43:00.000 --> 00:43:03.484 anything captured to that extent for this project? 00:43:04.079 --> 00:43:06.778 - We haven't honed in on the 00:43:06.778 --> 00:43:09.970 very, very low frequencies of seismic as much, 00:43:09.970 --> 00:43:11.930 and that is the movement of the earth's crust 00:43:11.930 --> 00:43:15.085 that often can be detected on hydrophones 00:43:15.085 --> 00:43:17.420 and studied using hydrophones 00:43:17.420 --> 00:43:19.466 as much during this project. 00:43:21.038 --> 00:43:22.500 - And actually, before we go to the next question, 00:43:22.500 --> 00:43:25.413 I wanted to see, Dr. Hatch, are you interested 00:43:25.651 --> 00:43:27.772 in launching any of these poll questions? 00:43:27.772 --> 00:43:29.714 We might have considered doing them earlier, 00:43:29.714 --> 00:43:32.220 but we have one – 00:43:32.220 --> 00:43:35.800 what content from the SanctSound portal are you most interested in? 00:43:35.800 --> 00:43:37.920 Should I launch that poll question for our audience, 00:43:37.920 --> 00:43:39.920 and then we'll get back to our Q&A? 00:43:39.920 --> 00:43:41.680 - That'd be great! 00:43:41.680 --> 00:43:43.800 - Ok, let's go ahead and do that. 00:43:44.705 --> 00:43:47.039 Oops, I've got to select the question. 00:43:47.970 --> 00:43:49.940 If you happen to be in full screen mode, 00:43:49.940 --> 00:43:55.884 you're going to have to pop out of that to actually see the poll. 00:43:59.492 --> 00:44:02.696 Alright, looks like folks are voting here, so we'll give them 00:44:04.316 --> 00:44:06.894 a few seconds to register their vote. 00:44:14.327 --> 00:44:16.131 - Yes, we were interested in asking this 00:44:16.131 --> 00:44:18.600 not just for how the portal exists today 00:44:18.600 --> 00:44:21.750 but because of combinations of partners 00:44:21.750 --> 00:44:25.420 who are interested in growing what it does, 00:44:25.420 --> 00:44:28.660 and so it's nice to get some increasing understanding 00:44:28.660 --> 00:44:32.108 of what folks are interested in. 00:44:33.156 --> 00:44:35.590 - Alright we've got a good percentage that have voted, 00:44:35.590 --> 00:44:36.590 and voting slowed, 00:44:36.590 --> 00:44:40.521 so I'm going to go ahead and close it and share the results. 00:44:40.997 --> 00:44:42.940 And are you able to see that, Dr. Hatch? 00:44:42.940 --> 00:44:43.736 If not, I can... 00:44:43.736 --> 00:44:46.043 - I am, yeah that's great! 00:44:46.758 --> 00:44:49.520 - Excellent, so it looks like nearly half are interested in the 00:44:49.520 --> 00:44:52.851 graphics and visualization and story element. 00:44:54.900 --> 00:44:55.767 Ok. 00:44:56.635 --> 00:44:57.720 - The second poll. 00:44:57.720 --> 00:44:58.720 - Great, thank you. 00:44:58.720 --> 00:44:59.434 - What do you think? 00:44:59.434 --> 00:44:59.934 - Yeah let's do the second one. 00:44:59.934 --> 00:45:01.220 Let's do the second one. 00:45:01.220 --> 00:45:03.022 No, I think they're kind of a pair, 00:45:03.022 --> 00:45:03.900 and then we'll be done. 00:45:03.900 --> 00:45:04.900 - Ok, excellent. 00:45:04.900 --> 00:45:06.042 So in this case, 00:45:06.042 --> 00:45:10.000 what is your primary use for the SanctSound portal? 00:45:11.138 --> 00:45:12.976 I'd love to hear from you. 00:45:25.459 --> 00:45:27.410 Alright, half of you voted, 00:45:27.410 --> 00:45:31.344 so the other half is either trying to figure out how to vote 00:45:31.344 --> 00:45:34.390 or thinking about their response. 00:45:34.390 --> 00:45:36.850 - It's true, if you're if your interest is in being able to 00:45:36.850 --> 00:45:40.306 hear sounds and just explore it for general use, 00:45:40.306 --> 00:45:45.890 then there's not a category for that. 00:45:49.034 --> 00:45:51.045 - We'll consider adding that next time. 00:45:51.045 --> 00:45:52.045 - Exactly. 00:45:53.570 --> 00:45:55.272 - Alrigh, let's go ahead. 00:45:55.272 --> 00:45:56.972 Voting has slowed, 00:45:57.210 --> 00:45:59.160 and here are the results. 00:45:59.160 --> 00:46:02.080 So, as suspected, you know, 00:46:02.080 --> 00:46:04.529 our audience is primarily made up of educators, 00:46:04.529 --> 00:46:08.500 so we've got 35% suggesting the education realm, 00:46:08.500 --> 00:46:13.766 but then right below that, monitoring and research, so, excellent. 00:46:14.195 --> 00:46:15.619 - That's great, thank you. 00:46:15.619 --> 00:46:16.119 - Yeah. 00:46:16.857 --> 00:46:20.147 Alright, there was another good question that had come in. 00:46:20.147 --> 00:46:23.686 What is the percentage of sounds/signals 00:46:23.686 --> 00:46:27.149 that you can assign to a distinct source or event, 00:46:27.149 --> 00:46:29.653 and which cannot yet be assigned? 00:46:31.320 --> 00:46:33.765 - I don't know if I can get to percentage. 00:46:35.004 --> 00:46:39.751 There are soundscapes that have been studied for longer, 00:46:39.751 --> 00:46:44.001 and where some of that sleuthing has resulted in, 00:46:44.001 --> 00:46:46.877 over time, chipping away at the unknowns, 00:46:46.877 --> 00:46:49.581 and there are other places where we're just beginning. 00:46:50.000 --> 00:46:52.770 I will say that our fishes 00:46:52.770 --> 00:46:55.976 continue to be a very tricky space. 00:46:55.976 --> 00:46:57.522 There are a lot of soniferous, 00:46:57.522 --> 00:47:00.000 that means sound producing fishes, 00:47:00.000 --> 00:47:02.330 and understanding which of them is 00:47:02.330 --> 00:47:04.200 making the sounds that we're listening to 00:47:04.200 --> 00:47:06.280 in a lot of these shallow water environments 00:47:06.280 --> 00:47:07.930 is very much a work in progress. 00:47:07.930 --> 00:47:12.238 So, we hear a lot of sounds that we know are biologic, 00:47:12.238 --> 00:47:17.810 and a lot of the time, we are still categorizing them to 00:47:17.810 --> 00:47:21.140 and identifying who's producing them. 00:47:21.140 --> 00:47:24.300 The other category is human-caused sounds. 00:47:24.300 --> 00:47:27.960 There continue to be a collection of human-caused sounds 00:47:27.960 --> 00:47:34.332 that we are pretty sure are categorized as not biologic in source, 00:47:34.332 --> 00:47:38.304 but there are often new things being added to the mix, 00:47:38.304 --> 00:47:40.323 that take a little while to identify, 00:47:40.323 --> 00:47:45.070 and we heard some things that we didn't expect in this project 00:47:45.070 --> 00:47:47.516 and expect that to continue. 00:47:49.660 --> 00:47:51.670 - Someone was wondering if there are any plans 00:47:51.670 --> 00:47:55.880 for doing soundscapes in the Great Lakes sanctuary. 00:47:56.642 --> 00:47:59.785 - Yes, we are very interested in the Great Lakes. 00:47:59.785 --> 00:48:03.934 We have sanctuaries obviously in our Great Lakes, 00:48:03.934 --> 00:48:09.254 and we have interest in, 00:48:09.254 --> 00:48:10.762 although they are are quite focused 00:48:10.762 --> 00:48:14.660 on the maritime heritage resources within these sanctuaries – 00:48:14.660 --> 00:48:16.009 that is shipwrecks 00:48:16.009 --> 00:48:18.287 and the cultural heritage around those shipwrecks. 00:48:18.820 --> 00:48:22.550 They also do harbor really rich ecology, 00:48:22.550 --> 00:48:24.960 some of which is sound-producing. 00:48:24.960 --> 00:48:26.990 There are also other uses for sound 00:48:26.990 --> 00:48:30.150 in the context of some of these resources 00:48:30.150 --> 00:48:33.710 that are really interesting for sanctuary management. 00:48:33.710 --> 00:48:38.679 We often are interested in what kinds of 00:48:38.679 --> 00:48:41.671 vessel visitations there are around wrecks 00:48:41.671 --> 00:48:44.385 and in places that we are managing, 00:48:44.385 --> 00:48:48.069 and like I was showing with the sounds we're recording of vessels, 00:48:48.069 --> 00:48:54.490 this can be a good way to to add to our measurements 00:48:54.490 --> 00:48:56.479 of visitation in these places. 00:49:00.195 --> 00:49:01.644 - There's a question here: 00:49:01.644 --> 00:49:04.450 How can these data systems account for 00:49:04.450 --> 00:49:08.285 different acoustic propagation paths in the ocean? 00:49:08.857 --> 00:49:09.857 - Yes. 00:49:10.286 --> 00:49:12.970 I started to talk about listening areas, 00:49:12.970 --> 00:49:14.170 and in my short time today, 00:49:14.170 --> 00:49:17.710 I didn't have a whole lot of a chance to show, 00:49:17.710 --> 00:49:20.130 to highlight the work that is being done in this project 00:49:20.130 --> 00:49:22.809 to look at acoustic propagation paths. 00:49:24.572 --> 00:49:27.390 I think I won't go all the way back to sharing my screen. 00:49:27.676 --> 00:49:28.294 - Ok. 00:49:28.294 --> 00:49:32.366 - But in each of those tabs across the top, 00:49:32.366 --> 00:49:35.780 you can look at the listening maps associated with 00:49:35.780 --> 00:49:38.240 different frequencies and different times of year 00:49:38.240 --> 00:49:40.380 for each of the recording areas. 00:49:40.380 --> 00:49:43.921 So, we talked about how that's a really important, 00:49:45.350 --> 00:49:47.800 the range over which you can hear different sounds 00:49:47.800 --> 00:49:49.240 at different times of the year 00:49:49.240 --> 00:49:52.679 is a really important component to integrate, 00:49:52.679 --> 00:49:54.450 particularly with detections. 00:49:54.450 --> 00:49:59.130 That is, how many of a certain signal type did you hear, 00:49:59.130 --> 00:50:03.260 as it helps you understand how large an area you were sampling, 00:50:03.260 --> 00:50:06.109 especially if you then want to compare it to another area 00:50:06.109 --> 00:50:10.160 that might have a different distance over which it was sampling. 00:50:10.160 --> 00:50:11.483 If you have a higher number at one 00:50:11.483 --> 00:50:15.279 and a lower number at the other, you need to be able to 00:50:15.279 --> 00:50:17.900 integrate your information about listening space 00:50:17.900 --> 00:50:19.980 to know whether that higher number was because 00:50:19.980 --> 00:50:24.150 there were more animals, or because you could hear further. 00:50:24.150 --> 00:50:26.700 So, that's one example, 00:50:26.700 --> 00:50:28.640 is the integration with detection information 00:50:28.640 --> 00:50:30.892 that helps us calibrate our understandings 00:50:30.892 --> 00:50:32.655 of what's in a soundscape 00:50:32.655 --> 00:50:39.500 and make closer to one-to-one comparisons about 00:50:39.500 --> 00:50:45.750 what is going on in the monitoring areas around each recorder. 00:50:47.942 --> 00:50:49.780 - There are a lot of great questions coming in. 00:50:49.780 --> 00:50:50.780 Someone just asked: 00:50:50.780 --> 00:50:53.242 is there any of this data in Puget Sound, 00:50:53.242 --> 00:50:54.480 specifically the straits? 00:50:54.480 --> 00:50:56.830 They are very interested in ship noise 00:50:56.830 --> 00:51:00.450 and how that impacts the southern resident orcas. 00:51:00.450 --> 00:51:03.038 - Yes, there is great work being done with 00:51:03.038 --> 00:51:06.040 sound monitoring in Puget Sound 00:51:06.040 --> 00:51:09.809 by NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center and partners, 00:51:09.809 --> 00:51:11.765 as well as on the Canadian side by the 00:51:11.765 --> 00:51:14.216 Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 00:51:14.216 --> 00:51:16.520 In this work, we were focused in the 00:51:16.520 --> 00:51:18.930 Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, 00:51:18.930 --> 00:51:22.380 which is in the offshore waters outside puget sound, 00:51:22.380 --> 00:51:27.201 where we have offshore feeding activity by killer whales. 00:51:27.201 --> 00:51:29.200 So, we're sort of looking at a different part 00:51:29.200 --> 00:51:34.180 of their feeding environment and habitat, 00:51:34.180 --> 00:51:36.869 but that work is available, 00:51:36.869 --> 00:51:38.958 and we can absolutely put folks in touch 00:51:38.958 --> 00:51:41.101 with how to get access to it. 00:51:42.388 --> 00:51:44.250 - This is an interesting one. 00:51:44.250 --> 00:51:46.016 We clearly have an artist 00:51:46.016 --> 00:51:48.589 that is participating in today's live event. 00:51:48.589 --> 00:51:49.089 - Cool. 00:51:49.089 --> 00:51:51.460 - And in that poll, as an artist, 00:51:51.460 --> 00:51:53.460 she had selected outreach and communication 00:51:53.460 --> 00:51:56.824 as what she's interested in with this, 00:51:56.824 --> 00:51:58.650 and her question is – 00:51:59.175 --> 00:52:00.630 do you have any thoughts of how 00:52:00.630 --> 00:52:04.127 artists can play a role in using this data? 00:52:07.367 --> 00:52:08.880 - Well, I can tell you first that 00:52:08.880 --> 00:52:11.180 we were highly dependent on a fabulous artist 00:52:11.180 --> 00:52:14.819 who helped us with a lot of the visualizations that you saw today, 00:52:14.819 --> 00:52:17.212 so I think art helped us. 00:52:17.212 --> 00:52:19.180 And then the second is 00:52:19.180 --> 00:52:24.974 how can art help teach lessons about sound, absolutely. 00:52:24.974 --> 00:52:27.300 Beyond what the graphic design work 00:52:27.300 --> 00:52:30.000 that was done for this project for the portal, 00:52:30.000 --> 00:52:34.369 visualization of what you hear is a really important way 00:52:34.369 --> 00:52:38.370 of talking to people who are very visual. 00:52:38.370 --> 00:52:40.650 So, in the beginning of the talk, 00:52:40.650 --> 00:52:42.880 we closed our eyes to focus on what we hear, 00:52:42.880 --> 00:52:45.660 the other way to do it is to try to make sound, 00:52:45.660 --> 00:52:50.070 a more visual understanding for for those of us who are 00:52:50.070 --> 00:52:53.710 dominantly taking in information that way, 00:52:53.710 --> 00:52:57.010 so a lot of work in this project has gone into 00:52:57.010 --> 00:53:00.862 thinking about how to how to do that, 00:53:00.862 --> 00:53:03.357 and we could use all the help we can get. 00:53:10.551 --> 00:53:12.361 - I don't think we've gotten to this one. 00:53:12.361 --> 00:53:13.599 Someone asked earlier: 00:53:13.599 --> 00:53:17.320 why are the winters louder than the summers underwater 00:53:17.320 --> 00:53:18.730 in Stellwagen Bank? 00:53:19.302 --> 00:53:22.450 - Yes, I'm sitting in Boston, Massachusetts, 00:53:22.450 --> 00:53:24.900 where the winds are beginning to die down, 00:53:24.900 --> 00:53:27.900 and I can tell you that the answer is because our 00:53:27.900 --> 00:53:31.710 northern latitude winters are windier, 00:53:31.710 --> 00:53:35.102 and wind generates quite a bit of sound underwater. 00:53:35.102 --> 00:53:39.710 It is a dominant source of underwater sound 00:53:39.710 --> 00:53:43.569 at lower to middle frequencies in soundscapes, 00:53:43.569 --> 00:53:45.820 and in places where you have a lot of wind 00:53:45.820 --> 00:53:49.499 and windier conditions, or on average there is more wind, 00:53:49.499 --> 00:53:51.880 you're going to hear more of that background. 00:53:51.880 --> 00:53:53.680 When it dies down, on average, 00:53:53.680 --> 00:53:55.560 doesn't mean there's not going to be windy days here and there, 00:53:55.560 --> 00:53:58.509 but on average, it's less windy in the summer. 00:54:04.181 --> 00:54:04.905 - Excellent. 00:54:04.905 --> 00:54:06.071 Well, let's go ahead. 00:54:06.071 --> 00:54:09.780 We're going to wrap up our Q&A portion of today's live event, 00:54:09.780 --> 00:54:13.290 so thank you so much, Dr. Hatch, for those questions. 00:54:13.290 --> 00:54:16.820 I wanted to let our audience know 00:54:16.820 --> 00:54:20.340 some of the details of how things wrap up here. 00:54:20.340 --> 00:54:23.101 So, don't worry about this long url. 00:54:23.101 --> 00:54:25.011 We're typical government, right. 00:54:25.011 --> 00:54:26.180 Everything's long, and 00:54:27.371 --> 00:54:29.609 we will be sending a follow-up email, 00:54:29.609 --> 00:54:33.940 so all live attendees and all registrants 00:54:33.940 --> 00:54:36.710 will get this webinar archive link 00:54:36.710 --> 00:54:40.000 when today's live event is posted online. 00:54:40.000 --> 00:54:41.104 If you have any follow-up questions, 00:54:41.104 --> 00:54:46.702 you're welcome to send them to sanctuary.education@noaa.gov, 00:54:46.702 --> 00:54:49.572 and all participants in today's live event, 00:54:49.572 --> 00:54:51.497 and any of those that watch the recording 00:54:51.497 --> 00:54:53.402 and have gotten to this point 00:54:53.402 --> 00:54:56.871 are going to be receiving a certificate of attendance. 00:54:56.871 --> 00:54:59.720 Here's an example of one from late last year, 00:54:59.720 --> 00:55:01.870 and this will give you one contact hour 00:55:01.870 --> 00:55:04.384 of professional development. 00:55:04.384 --> 00:55:07.389 And I know some questions about that came through the chat, 00:55:07.389 --> 00:55:09.184 so here's the answer. 00:55:10.000 --> 00:55:12.851 And I did want to just promo a couple of more 00:55:12.851 --> 00:55:15.327 distance learning experiences that we have 00:55:15.327 --> 00:55:17.280 for this week and next week. 00:55:17.280 --> 00:55:18.089 Well actually, 00:55:18.089 --> 00:55:20.090 I'm just promo-ing the two more this week. 00:55:20.090 --> 00:55:24.432 So, we'll be doing a virtual field trip to the Channel Islands, 00:55:24.432 --> 00:55:27.362 and actually, it's going to be Julie Bursek from the 00:55:27.362 --> 00:55:30.560 Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and myself, 00:55:30.560 --> 00:55:34.240 and this is scheduled for tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific. 00:55:34.526 --> 00:55:37.827 Join us for that highly visual field trip. 00:55:38.684 --> 00:55:45.280 And then, hosted by our Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument team, 00:55:45.280 --> 00:55:47.940 they'll be offering our Mission Iconic Reefs: 00:55:47.940 --> 00:55:52.779 An Ambitious Plan to Restore Seven Sites in 00:55:52.779 --> 00:55:56.020 the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 00:55:56.020 --> 00:55:58.860 so that will be happening soon. 00:55:58.860 --> 00:56:01.119 And as we start to conclude today's webinar, 00:56:01.119 --> 00:56:04.640 I wanted to let you know that there will be a short evaluation. 00:56:04.640 --> 00:56:08.010 We'd love to hear from you about today's live presentation 00:56:08.010 --> 00:56:10.330 and your likelihood of joining us in the future. 00:56:10.330 --> 00:56:14.682 If you are an educator, and you haven't already participated in 00:56:14.682 --> 00:56:20.849 the NOAA Multimedia Needs Assessment version 2.0, 00:56:20.849 --> 00:56:24.786 then please click the link that's in our evaluation, 00:56:24.786 --> 00:56:26.428 and let us know. 00:56:26.428 --> 00:56:29.839 We want to make sure that we're providing content and videos 00:56:29.839 --> 00:56:33.339 and web materials that will help educators and others 00:56:33.339 --> 00:56:35.221 bring ocean and climate literacy 00:56:35.221 --> 00:56:37.889 into your classroom and your facilities. 00:56:38.651 --> 00:56:42.499 So with that, we'll conclude today's live presentation. 00:56:42.499 --> 00:56:45.359 Thank you so much Dr. Leila Hatch for joining us 00:56:45.359 --> 00:56:47.420 and Chloe for being my co-host 00:56:47.420 --> 00:56:50.000 and for all of you, our audience members, for learning more 00:56:50.000 --> 00:56:51.640 about our underwater parks 00:56:51.640 --> 00:56:56.599 and exploring underwater sound in our sanctuaries. 00:56:56.599 --> 00:57:00.560 So with that, we'll conclude today's live event. 00:57:00.560 --> 00:57:01.584 Take care.