WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.798 --> 00:00:07.330 All right, aloha kākou, 2 00:00:07.330 --> 00:00:10.720 and welcome to our third Thursday presentation 3 00:00:11.700 --> 00:00:13.200 on the Hawaiian honu 4 00:00:15.140 --> 00:00:18.820 take on climate change, signs of a fragile recovery. 5 00:00:18.820 --> 00:00:21.520 Before we get started, if you're having 6 00:00:21.520 --> 00:00:25.340 any technical issues, please type them in the question box 7 00:00:25.340 --> 00:00:28.420 or the chat, we'll be monitoring both. 8 00:00:28.420 --> 00:00:31.400 Generally people have problems with our audio. 9 00:00:31.400 --> 00:00:35.300 So what you wanna do is in the Go To Webinar control panel, 10 00:00:35.300 --> 00:00:40.180 on the right side, there's a section on audio 11 00:00:40.180 --> 00:00:43.000 and just make sure that you're using the audio 12 00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:46.113 that you've chosen, whether it's speakers or headphones. 13 00:00:47.100 --> 00:00:50.700 There's some dropdown list for choosing your audio, 14 00:00:50.700 --> 00:00:53.180 and that's typically where people have problems. 15 00:00:53.180 --> 00:00:54.770 But if that doesn't resolve it, 16 00:00:54.770 --> 00:00:57.810 please type your question into the question box 17 00:00:57.810 --> 00:01:02.420 and we'll do what we can to help resolve that. 18 00:01:02.420 --> 00:01:04.200 And before we get started, 19 00:01:04.200 --> 00:01:09.200 we like to open in the proper Hawaiian way with protocol. 20 00:01:09.680 --> 00:01:14.640 So we will be opening with mele no Papahānaumokuākea 21 00:01:14.640 --> 00:01:19.640 which was written specifically for Papahānaumokuākea 22 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:23.770 and we'll open this room and welcome you to the space. 23 00:01:23.770 --> 00:01:28.080 And with that, I will turn it over to our regional, 24 00:01:28.080 --> 00:01:32.470 cultural specialist, Kalani Quiocho. 25 00:01:32.470 --> 00:01:34.860 He just took a new position so I'm not clear 26 00:01:34.860 --> 00:01:38.863 on his exact new title, but congratulations, Kalani. 27 00:01:38.863 --> 00:01:40.980 It's an awesome, awesome achievement. 28 00:01:40.980 --> 00:01:44.760 So I will turn it over to Kalani 29 00:01:44.760 --> 00:01:46.417 and turn my webcam off. 30 00:01:53.811 --> 00:01:56.894 Aloha mai kākou 31 00:02:00.268 --> 00:02:04.101 (chants in Hawaiian language) 32 00:03:58.585 --> 00:04:00.335 Aloha, mahalo Kalani. 33 00:04:03.720 --> 00:04:07.410 Always a wonderful way to open our presentations. 34 00:04:07.410 --> 00:04:10.763 And also that mele is chanted 35 00:04:13.650 --> 00:04:18.650 often before we enter Papahānaumokuākea as a respect 36 00:04:19.110 --> 00:04:22.490 for that place as a recognition of the deities 37 00:04:22.490 --> 00:04:26.270 and the spirits that reside there and to set our minds 38 00:04:26.270 --> 00:04:28.330 in the proper space 39 00:04:28.330 --> 00:04:30.823 for entering this very sacred area. 40 00:04:31.720 --> 00:04:35.790 So this presentation today is part of our Office 41 00:04:35.790 --> 00:04:39.330 of National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series, 42 00:04:39.330 --> 00:04:40.650 and also in partnership 43 00:04:40.650 --> 00:04:43.710 with our National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. 44 00:04:43.710 --> 00:04:45.770 So the national Marine sanctuary system 45 00:04:45.770 --> 00:04:50.270 is numerous sites across the United States 46 00:04:50.270 --> 00:04:53.810 and then the Pacific, including two very new sites, 47 00:04:53.810 --> 00:04:56.380 the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast site 48 00:04:56.380 --> 00:04:59.450 and the Mallows Bay Potomac River site. 49 00:04:59.450 --> 00:05:02.960 So those have just been designated within the last year, 50 00:05:02.960 --> 00:05:05.740 the Wisconsin one just very recently, 51 00:05:05.740 --> 00:05:09.020 but also on the East Coast, we have a Stellwagen Bank 52 00:05:09.020 --> 00:05:12.420 and Florida Keys on the West Coast. 53 00:05:12.420 --> 00:05:15.100 Well, in the Gulf of Mexico with the Flower Garden Banks, 54 00:05:15.100 --> 00:05:16.920 which has also recently expanded. 55 00:05:16.920 --> 00:05:19.970 So some great protections are going in place 56 00:05:19.970 --> 00:05:22.190 for your special Marine areas. 57 00:05:22.190 --> 00:05:24.210 On the west coast, we have Olympic Coast, 58 00:05:24.210 --> 00:05:26.410 Cordell Bank, Monterey Bay. 59 00:05:26.410 --> 00:05:29.200 Out here in the Pacific in Hawaiʻi we have two sites 60 00:05:29.200 --> 00:05:30.860 our Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale 61 00:05:30.860 --> 00:05:32.570 National Marine Sanctuary, 62 00:05:32.570 --> 00:05:37.170 and our site, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. 63 00:05:37.170 --> 00:05:40.410 And below us in the south Pacific, we have American Samoa 64 00:05:40.410 --> 00:05:43.520 and also Rose Atoll Marine National Monument. 65 00:05:43.520 --> 00:05:46.780 So this represents your National Marine Sanctuary system, 66 00:05:46.780 --> 00:05:48.763 the nationʻs underwater parks. 67 00:05:49.830 --> 00:05:53.710 And our site Papahānaumokuākea, 68 00:05:53.710 --> 00:05:57.240 we're the largest, fully protected area on the planet, 69 00:05:57.240 --> 00:06:00.520 fully protected, meaning are our protections are there 70 00:06:00.520 --> 00:06:02.160 in perpetuity at present. 71 00:06:02.160 --> 00:06:05.700 So there are other sites that are slightly larger than ours 72 00:06:05.700 --> 00:06:08.830 but may not have complete and full protection 73 00:06:08.830 --> 00:06:11.430 or management plans or other things. 74 00:06:11.430 --> 00:06:15.760 And this is the remotest part, the remotest archipelago 75 00:06:15.760 --> 00:06:18.470 on Earth, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 76 00:06:18.470 --> 00:06:21.790 and represents islands and atolls and coral reefs 77 00:06:21.790 --> 00:06:25.460 that stretch for 1200 miles across the Pacific Ocean. 78 00:06:25.460 --> 00:06:29.840 In the lower left-hand corner you can see how that compares 79 00:06:29.840 --> 00:06:33.760 to the United States to cover an area from roughly 80 00:06:33.760 --> 00:06:35.663 New Orleans to Las Vegas. 81 00:06:37.170 --> 00:06:39.520 So our hosts today are myself, Andy Collins, 82 00:06:39.520 --> 00:06:41.080 I'm the education coordinator 83 00:06:41.080 --> 00:06:44.510 for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, 84 00:06:44.510 --> 00:06:47.760 and also work over at our Mokupāpapa Discovery Center 85 00:06:47.760 --> 00:06:52.500 in Hilo, and Justin Umholtz, he's an education specialist 86 00:06:52.500 --> 00:06:55.100 at Mokupāpapa Discovery Center 87 00:06:55.100 --> 00:06:58.680 and he works for the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. 88 00:06:58.680 --> 00:07:01.620 So our Mokupāpapa Discovery Center in Hilo 89 00:07:01.620 --> 00:07:03.620 unfortunately is closed due to COVID 90 00:07:03.620 --> 00:07:05.590 but there's light at the end of the tunnel 91 00:07:05.590 --> 00:07:08.830 and we hope to be opening by this fall. 92 00:07:08.830 --> 00:07:12.100 NOAA is a science agency and as such, it's very conservative 93 00:07:12.100 --> 00:07:16.300 about reopening and things like that and wants to make sure 94 00:07:16.300 --> 00:07:18.763 our public and our staff are protected. 95 00:07:19.597 --> 00:07:22.620 Right now we're closed but we hope if you get to Hilo 96 00:07:22.620 --> 00:07:25.340 in the next several months that you come visit us, 97 00:07:25.340 --> 00:07:28.280 we're right on the Bayfront in downtown Hilo. 98 00:07:28.280 --> 00:07:31.330 We have a beautiful 25,000 square foot facility 99 00:07:31.330 --> 00:07:34.830 with a 3,500 gallon salt water fish tank, 100 00:07:34.830 --> 00:07:39.150 many exhibits in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi and in English, 101 00:07:39.150 --> 00:07:42.860 and also a number of other exhibits that focus 102 00:07:42.860 --> 00:07:45.410 on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and what's so special 103 00:07:45.410 --> 00:07:48.340 about that place and why we protect it. 104 00:07:48.340 --> 00:07:51.040 But across the system, across the National Marine Sanctuary 105 00:07:51.040 --> 00:07:52.870 system, we protect all these sites 106 00:07:52.870 --> 00:07:55.590 for their incredible biodiversity. 107 00:07:55.590 --> 00:07:58.890 Often for maritime heritage, shipwrecks. 108 00:07:58.890 --> 00:08:01.120 You may have seen that we just recently discovered 109 00:08:01.120 --> 00:08:03.990 a new shipwreck on when Hōkūle'a 110 00:08:03.990 --> 00:08:07.080 visited French Frigate Shoals or Lalo. 111 00:08:07.080 --> 00:08:08.700 They discovered a new shipwreck site, 112 00:08:08.700 --> 00:08:12.140 a new 19th century, probably whaling vessel. 113 00:08:12.140 --> 00:08:13.742 So we're always discovering 114 00:08:13.742 --> 00:08:16.243 new shipwrecks of historic importance. 115 00:08:17.170 --> 00:08:20.170 It's also incredibly important for its cultural heritage. 116 00:08:20.170 --> 00:08:22.510 This is a image from Mokumanamana, 117 00:08:22.510 --> 00:08:25.700 which is the second island up the chain, 118 00:08:25.700 --> 00:08:28.930 and these are upright on a platform 119 00:08:28.930 --> 00:08:31.060 or a heiau on the island. 120 00:08:31.060 --> 00:08:33.090 And there are numerous sites. It has the highest 121 00:08:33.090 --> 00:08:35.510 concentration of cultural sites anywhere 122 00:08:35.510 --> 00:08:38.420 in the Hawaiian archipelago on this site. 123 00:08:38.420 --> 00:08:42.610 And even today, navigators in Hōkūle'a are using 124 00:08:42.610 --> 00:08:46.100 these islands as training grounds for celestial navigation 125 00:08:46.100 --> 00:08:50.980 passing on the trade, the craft of wayfinding 126 00:08:50.980 --> 00:08:54.830 and training new navigators to revitalize the incredible art 127 00:08:54.830 --> 00:08:57.993 of Polynesian voyaging on double-hulled sailing canoes. 128 00:08:59.380 --> 00:09:02.630 They also provide a lot of shelter for critical, 129 00:09:02.630 --> 00:09:06.350 threatened, endangered species, such as this monk seal 130 00:09:06.350 --> 00:09:09.500 and green sea turtle here enjoying getting away 131 00:09:09.500 --> 00:09:10.830 from the spatial distancing 132 00:09:10.830 --> 00:09:13.663 and just throwing caution to the wind. 133 00:09:15.913 --> 00:09:18.080 And so they provide incredible resting spaces 134 00:09:18.080 --> 00:09:21.090 for these species, often some of the only places left 135 00:09:21.090 --> 00:09:24.520 on Earth, where they can nest such as some of the seabirds 136 00:09:24.520 --> 00:09:26.480 in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. 137 00:09:26.480 --> 00:09:29.090 We also provide a lot of education as which what we do 138 00:09:29.090 --> 00:09:31.030 at Mokupāpapa Discovery Center, 139 00:09:31.030 --> 00:09:33.880 because if you don't understand why we're protecting 140 00:09:33.880 --> 00:09:36.300 these places, you're not really gonna advocate for it. 141 00:09:36.300 --> 00:09:39.740 So education is a critical part of what we do. 142 00:09:39.740 --> 00:09:42.380 Outreach, using a lot of our volunteers. 143 00:09:42.380 --> 00:09:45.540 We go to events and share about what we're doing 144 00:09:45.540 --> 00:09:48.450 and why we're doing it and engage the public. 145 00:09:48.450 --> 00:09:50.590 We also conduct a lot of research. 146 00:09:50.590 --> 00:09:53.080 In fact, right now we have a research expedition 147 00:09:53.080 --> 00:09:56.500 in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands that's looking 148 00:09:56.500 --> 00:09:59.980 at an alien invasive species. 149 00:09:59.980 --> 00:10:01.880 Well, probably it's an invasive algae 150 00:10:01.880 --> 00:10:04.530 at Pearl and Hermes, or Manawai 151 00:10:04.530 --> 00:10:06.740 and trying to see what we can do about that, 152 00:10:06.740 --> 00:10:10.133 what kind of impact there is from that from that algae. 153 00:10:11.020 --> 00:10:13.250 We also monitor these sites for changes 154 00:10:13.250 --> 00:10:17.960 such as climate change, such as impacts 155 00:10:17.960 --> 00:10:22.420 from human shoreline runoff and things like that 156 00:10:22.420 --> 00:10:25.690 and also certainly alien invasive species 157 00:10:25.690 --> 00:10:29.660 and trying to arrest those before they get out of control. 158 00:10:29.660 --> 00:10:31.960 We also do a lot of resource protection. 159 00:10:31.960 --> 00:10:34.620 This is a great project you may have heard about in the news 160 00:10:34.620 --> 00:10:37.050 recently, they got a tremendous amount of funding to do 161 00:10:37.050 --> 00:10:41.780 coral restoration in Florida Keys and surrounding areas. 162 00:10:41.780 --> 00:10:45.340 So they grow corals in a controlled environment, 163 00:10:45.340 --> 00:10:48.420 in a nursery, and then they outplant them on the reef 164 00:10:48.420 --> 00:10:50.850 and this can help areas that are damaged 165 00:10:50.850 --> 00:10:55.310 from ship groundings or also other kinds of impacts. 166 00:10:55.310 --> 00:10:58.480 And last but not least, these are just amazing places 167 00:10:58.480 --> 00:11:01.530 where we can revitalize our souls, connect with the beauty 168 00:11:01.530 --> 00:11:06.280 and wonder of nature and just have our personal experience 169 00:11:06.280 --> 00:11:09.010 and personal connection with these places. 170 00:11:09.010 --> 00:11:11.140 And we do all this through a lot of volunteers. 171 00:11:11.140 --> 00:11:13.620 So if you're interested in volunteering right now, 172 00:11:13.620 --> 00:11:15.500 our volunteer programs for the most part 173 00:11:15.500 --> 00:11:18.050 are kind of shut down because of COVID, 174 00:11:18.050 --> 00:11:21.593 but we do have a lot of volunteers across the system 175 00:11:21.593 --> 00:11:24.380 that help with things such as beach cleanups 176 00:11:24.380 --> 00:11:26.650 and education programs and outreach 177 00:11:26.650 --> 00:11:28.370 and a whole suite of things. 178 00:11:28.370 --> 00:11:31.253 So if you're interested in volunteering let us know. 179 00:11:32.110 --> 00:11:35.140 But today we have a wonderful presentation 180 00:11:35.140 --> 00:11:37.920 called Hawaiian Honu take on climate change, 181 00:11:37.920 --> 00:11:39.760 signs of a fragile recovery. 182 00:11:39.760 --> 00:11:43.920 And our presenter is MaryLou Staman. 183 00:11:43.920 --> 00:11:46.840 And Mary Lou is the leader of the NOAA 184 00:11:46.840 --> 00:11:49.180 Marine Turtle Biology and Assessment, 185 00:11:49.180 --> 00:11:51.840 Green Sea Turtle Population Assessment Project 186 00:11:51.840 --> 00:11:54.220 in Papahānaumokuākea. 187 00:11:54.220 --> 00:11:55.990 And as the leader of field research, 188 00:11:55.990 --> 00:11:58.690 she's spent a total of 12 months living at Lalo, 189 00:11:58.690 --> 00:12:01.900 French Frigate Shoals over the past four years 190 00:12:01.900 --> 00:12:04.610 where her favorite activities included stargazing 191 00:12:04.610 --> 00:12:06.960 and working with the hatchlings. 192 00:12:06.960 --> 00:12:10.753 So thank you so much for joining us today, MaryLou, 193 00:12:11.670 --> 00:12:13.090 amazing flexibility. 194 00:12:13.090 --> 00:12:16.500 She had to take a family trip and is all the way 195 00:12:16.500 --> 00:12:18.070 on the other side of the planet in Europe, 196 00:12:18.070 --> 00:12:19.731 in the Netherlands, I think you said, 197 00:12:19.731 --> 00:12:24.010 and she was able to still join us. 198 00:12:24.010 --> 00:12:25.680 So thank you for making that time. 199 00:12:25.680 --> 00:12:28.570 You can turn on your webcam now 200 00:12:28.570 --> 00:12:33.027 and I will switch the presenter over to you. 201 00:12:37.853 --> 00:12:38.770 Here we go. 202 00:12:40.970 --> 00:12:42.390 Okay, great, thank you, Andy. 203 00:12:42.390 --> 00:12:43.470 Can you hear me okay? 204 00:12:44.500 --> 00:12:46.063 Yeah, we can hear you great. 205 00:12:54.650 --> 00:12:56.553 Yeah, right, there you go. 206 00:13:03.940 --> 00:13:06.783 Great, I think you can see my screen there, perfect. 207 00:13:08.489 --> 00:13:11.040 Thank you for the introduction. 208 00:13:11.040 --> 00:13:14.750 And thank you, Andy and Justin for facilitating today 209 00:13:14.750 --> 00:13:16.113 and Kalani for that mele. 210 00:13:17.170 --> 00:13:20.620 And so already you had a great introduction there. 211 00:13:20.620 --> 00:13:24.020 So project leader with NOAA's Marine Turtle Biology 212 00:13:24.020 --> 00:13:24.990 and assessment program 213 00:13:24.990 --> 00:13:27.090 at Pacific Islands Fishery Science Center. 214 00:13:28.040 --> 00:13:32.313 Let's see, I'm going to try this out. 215 00:13:33.540 --> 00:13:36.113 The first slide is always the scariest, let's see. 216 00:13:38.530 --> 00:13:41.000 Okay, great, so Andy already mentioned, 217 00:13:41.000 --> 00:13:42.710 so this lecture series is a part 218 00:13:42.710 --> 00:13:46.200 of The State of the Monument Lecture Series 219 00:13:46.200 --> 00:13:48.350 based off the report that came out last year, 220 00:13:48.350 --> 00:13:52.780 2020 State of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument 221 00:13:52.780 --> 00:13:56.320 and it covers status and trends from 2008 to 2019. 222 00:13:56.320 --> 00:13:59.470 So a lot of my talk is going to talk 223 00:13:59.470 --> 00:14:01.890 about some of the research we did during that time 224 00:14:01.890 --> 00:14:05.833 with our program in the monument and some of the results 225 00:14:05.833 --> 00:14:10.600 and what could that mean for management in the future. 226 00:14:10.600 --> 00:14:11.760 And the report can be found 227 00:14:11.760 --> 00:14:15.853 on the Papahanaumokuakea.gov website. 228 00:14:18.180 --> 00:14:21.460 So just as a warmup, because I am gonna be talking 229 00:14:21.460 --> 00:14:26.460 about green sea turtles or honu today, 230 00:14:27.040 --> 00:14:29.520 I wanted to get everyone, making sure everyone 231 00:14:29.520 --> 00:14:32.600 is paying attention, their computers are working, 232 00:14:32.600 --> 00:14:34.730 so I think we're going to open up a poll here 233 00:14:34.730 --> 00:14:36.280 with a little warm-up question. 234 00:14:37.160 --> 00:14:39.470 Yes, so everyone can see this. 235 00:14:39.470 --> 00:14:42.340 If you are not seeing a pop-up quick poll, 236 00:14:42.340 --> 00:14:46.590 then exit from your full screen mode and you should be able 237 00:14:46.590 --> 00:14:49.570 to see it then and go ahead and select, 238 00:14:49.570 --> 00:14:52.890 I can see that some folks are already voting. 239 00:14:52.890 --> 00:14:56.103 Why our honu commonly called green sea turtles? 240 00:14:58.550 --> 00:15:02.910 So we've got about 60% of the audience has already voted. 241 00:15:02.910 --> 00:15:06.203 I'll give you another 20 seconds folks. 242 00:15:09.494 --> 00:15:11.590 MaryLou, I don't believe you can see this part, 243 00:15:11.590 --> 00:15:14.180 I'll share the results in just a second. 244 00:15:14.180 --> 00:15:15.123 Okay, thank you. 245 00:15:17.350 --> 00:15:19.630 All right, last five seconds, 246 00:15:19.630 --> 00:15:22.610 we're at 77% of the audience has voted. 247 00:15:22.610 --> 00:15:27.240 Go ahead and make your last choice in 3, 2, 1. 248 00:15:27.240 --> 00:15:30.440 I'm going to close the poll and share it. 249 00:15:30.440 --> 00:15:32.413 Can you see that okay? 250 00:15:38.210 --> 00:15:39.527 Mary Lou, can you see the results? 251 00:15:39.527 --> 00:15:41.371 Oh, now I see, yeah. 252 00:15:41.371 --> 00:15:43.110 Okay great, well, I'll let you respond 253 00:15:43.110 --> 00:15:45.900 and just let me know when you'd like me to close it. 254 00:15:45.900 --> 00:15:47.560 Okay, great. 255 00:15:47.560 --> 00:15:50.300 So their fatty tissues are green, 256 00:15:50.300 --> 00:15:52.753 so majority of you got that correct, great work. 257 00:15:55.150 --> 00:15:57.960 So that is a common misconception because they are usually 258 00:15:57.960 --> 00:16:01.590 covered in green algae and their shells do, well, 259 00:16:01.590 --> 00:16:03.330 their shells are more brown but when they're covered 260 00:16:03.330 --> 00:16:05.410 in algae they look green. 261 00:16:05.410 --> 00:16:09.160 But they were actually named for the fats in their body 262 00:16:09.160 --> 00:16:12.910 and which we believe are tinted green 263 00:16:12.910 --> 00:16:16.500 because of their herbivorous diet, 264 00:16:16.500 --> 00:16:20.703 because bring sea turtles eat a lot of sea grass and algae. 265 00:16:24.350 --> 00:16:25.183 Let's see. 266 00:16:28.920 --> 00:16:31.060 Okay, a little delay on my slides here 267 00:16:31.060 --> 00:16:32.960 so I'm gonna keep moving through them. 268 00:16:36.330 --> 00:16:38.930 So, okay, I just wanna orient everyone first 269 00:16:38.930 --> 00:16:40.170 to this map of the Pacific 270 00:16:40.170 --> 00:16:42.940 from the latest green sea turtle status review. 271 00:16:42.940 --> 00:16:45.600 It shows the nesting sites of green turtles 272 00:16:45.600 --> 00:16:50.150 delineated by their distinct population segments or DPSs, 273 00:16:50.150 --> 00:16:55.150 and this is designated by the U.S. Endangered Species Act. 274 00:16:56.200 --> 00:16:57.450 The Hawaiian honu reside 275 00:16:57.450 --> 00:17:01.710 within the Central North Pacific or CNP DPS. 276 00:17:01.710 --> 00:17:04.160 And the population is considered threatened 277 00:17:04.160 --> 00:17:06.770 due to a lack of diversity of nesting habitat 278 00:17:06.770 --> 00:17:10.040 and because those nesting grounds are very vulnerable 279 00:17:10.040 --> 00:17:11.433 to climate change. 280 00:17:14.710 --> 00:17:17.510 Okay, so if we zoom in 281 00:17:18.430 --> 00:17:20.310 on the Hawaiian archipelago, 282 00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:23.570 this is the same map that Andy showed a moment ago. 283 00:17:23.570 --> 00:17:24.890 You can see the vast spread 284 00:17:24.890 --> 00:17:28.350 of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. 285 00:17:28.350 --> 00:17:32.050 While honu nesting occurs in small numbers on most islands 286 00:17:32.050 --> 00:17:35.160 in the monument, today I'm gonna focus on the Lalo 287 00:17:35.160 --> 00:17:36.410 or French Frigate Shoals 288 00:17:36.410 --> 00:17:40.350 where honu have been monitored since 1973. 289 00:17:40.350 --> 00:17:43.840 And with that, I'm gonna do another poll, 290 00:17:43.840 --> 00:17:45.433 keeping you guys on your toes. 291 00:17:48.280 --> 00:17:49.530 So the question is, yeah, 292 00:17:49.530 --> 00:17:52.451 what do you see that, Andy? 293 00:17:52.451 --> 00:17:54.255 Go ahead, it is just launched, go for it 294 00:17:54.255 --> 00:17:55.510 if you wanna read it. Oh, yeah. 295 00:17:55.510 --> 00:17:57.700 So what percentage of honu nest at Lalo 296 00:17:57.700 --> 00:17:58.820 or French Frigate Shoals? 297 00:17:58.820 --> 00:18:03.820 So this is all the honu in the entire population. 298 00:18:07.180 --> 00:18:09.650 Well, yeah, people are jumping on right away. 299 00:18:09.650 --> 00:18:11.567 We have 40% of the audiences voted 300 00:18:11.567 --> 00:18:13.767 and it's climbing quickly. Well, awesome. 301 00:18:15.229 --> 00:18:16.280 Go ahead and- While you guys are voting , 302 00:18:16.280 --> 00:18:17.360 I'll just say, 303 00:18:17.360 --> 00:18:21.050 so what's also interesting about the distinct population 304 00:18:21.050 --> 00:18:24.920 segment of honu is that they're considered a genetically 305 00:18:24.920 --> 00:18:26.980 and geographically distinct population, 306 00:18:26.980 --> 00:18:30.846 so there's very little mixing with other populations. 307 00:18:30.846 --> 00:18:33.763 So it's considered a closed system. 308 00:18:35.940 --> 00:18:38.505 Okay, well, I'm gonna give you folks five more seconds. 309 00:18:38.505 --> 00:18:42.210 We're at 70% of the audience have been voted. 310 00:18:42.210 --> 00:18:46.740 Four, three, two and one. 311 00:18:46.740 --> 00:18:48.940 Okay, you should be seeing it on your screen 312 00:18:48.940 --> 00:18:50.103 in just a second. 313 00:18:55.940 --> 00:18:57.053 Can you see it okay? 314 00:18:57.960 --> 00:19:00.040 Okay, oh, that was a close one. 315 00:19:00.040 --> 00:19:01.773 Oh, it's a tie, awesome. 316 00:19:03.040 --> 00:19:05.923 Great, so people were learning stuff today, this is great. 317 00:19:07.170 --> 00:19:10.960 The people in purple, the 96% have that correct. 318 00:19:10.960 --> 00:19:14.780 So it's an incredibly huge amount of a percentage 319 00:19:14.780 --> 00:19:18.800 of the population that nests this one atoll, 320 00:19:18.800 --> 00:19:21.000 this one area within the monument 321 00:19:21.000 --> 00:19:22.950 within the entire Hawaiian archipelago. 322 00:19:30.930 --> 00:19:33.150 Okay, breezing through here. 323 00:19:33.150 --> 00:19:35.883 Okay, so pulling back that, pulling up the map again, 324 00:19:36.900 --> 00:19:38.423 I just wanted to show, 325 00:19:41.310 --> 00:19:43.890 all the turtles are migrating from the Northern part 326 00:19:43.890 --> 00:19:46.400 of the archipelago from the Main Hawaiian Islands. 327 00:19:46.400 --> 00:19:48.390 Again, we do have some nesting in the Mains 328 00:19:48.390 --> 00:19:51.400 and on other islands, but a majority of the turtles 329 00:19:51.400 --> 00:19:54.200 are all migrating to Lalo. 330 00:19:54.200 --> 00:19:57.513 So it makes it really interesting population to study. 331 00:20:00.440 --> 00:20:03.460 Within the atoll, a majority of nesting occurs 332 00:20:03.460 --> 00:20:07.290 on two islands, Tern and East. 333 00:20:07.290 --> 00:20:10.110 So that is where we've been conducting 334 00:20:10.110 --> 00:20:13.713 our population assessment study. 335 00:20:17.100 --> 00:20:19.880 Tern island, which you're about to see on the left, 336 00:20:19.880 --> 00:20:23.640 it's a 10-hectare former airport used by the military 337 00:20:23.640 --> 00:20:26.620 Coast Guard and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 338 00:20:26.620 --> 00:20:29.820 Today, it's crumbling seawall and dilapidated buildings 339 00:20:29.820 --> 00:20:33.300 pose significant entrapment hazard to birds, seals, 340 00:20:33.300 --> 00:20:34.833 monk seals and honu. 341 00:20:35.860 --> 00:20:38.240 East Island is on the right. 342 00:20:38.240 --> 00:20:39.820 It's three to four hectors. 343 00:20:39.820 --> 00:20:42.040 It was three to four hectors large, 344 00:20:42.040 --> 00:20:44.500 it's more coral rubble and sand. 345 00:20:44.500 --> 00:20:47.570 And despite its smaller size, we do know that it shown 346 00:20:47.570 --> 00:20:50.870 resilience to winter storms for over 2000 years old. 347 00:20:50.870 --> 00:20:54.590 So it wasn't dynamic, it was pretty stable 348 00:20:54.590 --> 00:20:56.433 for at least 2000 years. 349 00:20:59.900 --> 00:21:01.333 Okay, great so, 350 00:21:02.810 --> 00:21:06.600 East Island also historically supported more than half 351 00:21:06.600 --> 00:21:08.720 of all nesting activity at Lalo. 352 00:21:08.720 --> 00:21:10.860 So that's where researchers like myself 353 00:21:10.860 --> 00:21:14.410 have been camping out to monitor nesting females since 1973. 354 00:21:14.410 --> 00:21:17.640 And you can see me there in a few of the photos. 355 00:21:17.640 --> 00:21:21.290 These camps are usually four to six months long. 356 00:21:21.290 --> 00:21:23.570 We bring all our own supplies, we get dropped off 357 00:21:23.570 --> 00:21:25.810 by one of the NOAA ships. 358 00:21:25.810 --> 00:21:28.920 We bring in food, research equipment, 359 00:21:28.920 --> 00:21:29.980 we have a satellite phone, 360 00:21:29.980 --> 00:21:32.620 we don't have internet or cell phones. 361 00:21:32.620 --> 00:21:35.480 And we got a lot of training in risk assessment 362 00:21:35.480 --> 00:21:37.910 and wilderness first aid and things like that. 363 00:21:37.910 --> 00:21:40.313 So it's a really interesting project. 364 00:21:43.840 --> 00:21:46.770 Here the green bars, you can see the number 365 00:21:46.770 --> 00:21:51.340 of nesting females on East Island from 1973 to 2018. 366 00:21:51.340 --> 00:21:53.400 So this is kind of the fruits of our labor there. 367 00:21:53.400 --> 00:21:58.010 And turtles, they don't migrate every year to reproduce. 368 00:21:58.010 --> 00:22:02.270 So the fluctuations between years are natural and normal. 369 00:22:02.270 --> 00:22:06.000 Some years you're gonna more females that migrate, 370 00:22:06.000 --> 00:22:08.040 some years you'll have less but on average, 371 00:22:08.040 --> 00:22:10.093 they migrate every three to four years. 372 00:22:14.250 --> 00:22:15.083 Another poll, 373 00:22:16.210 --> 00:22:17.600 another poll question. 374 00:22:17.600 --> 00:22:22.600 So that graph that I just showed, what do you guys think? 375 00:22:22.950 --> 00:22:25.920 How has the number of females nesting on East Island 376 00:22:25.920 --> 00:22:27.543 changed over the years? 377 00:22:33.305 --> 00:22:37.940 Great, we're at 25% already and climbing quickly. 378 00:22:37.940 --> 00:22:38.773 Let's see if we can get up 379 00:22:38.773 --> 00:22:41.083 to that 70 or 80% of the audience. 380 00:22:45.230 --> 00:22:47.550 Folks, I'm gonna give you about 15 more seconds, 381 00:22:47.550 --> 00:22:49.043 so make that hard decision. 382 00:22:55.130 --> 00:22:58.870 Okay, it looks like we're slowing down at 75%. 383 00:22:58.870 --> 00:23:03.870 So I'm gonna give you five, four, three, two, and closing. 384 00:23:05.900 --> 00:23:07.946 All right, it should be popping up on your screen 385 00:23:07.946 --> 00:23:08.779 in a moment here. 386 00:23:15.520 --> 00:23:17.096 I believe we have about a five seconds. 387 00:23:17.096 --> 00:23:19.880 Can you see it now? Yeah, great. 388 00:23:19.880 --> 00:23:24.780 So I know that the graph looked really promising 389 00:23:24.780 --> 00:23:27.660 but they were a few, and so that's why I'm assuming 390 00:23:27.660 --> 00:23:32.310 people were answering increased by about 22%. 391 00:23:32.310 --> 00:23:37.240 So it actually was that they are increasing by about 3%. 392 00:23:37.240 --> 00:23:39.700 And that as I'll say again, 393 00:23:39.700 --> 00:23:42.080 is from females nesting on East Island 394 00:23:43.380 --> 00:23:45.490 and not the total population size. 395 00:23:45.490 --> 00:23:48.360 And that's the metric that we'll use for our population 396 00:23:48.360 --> 00:23:50.530 at the moment that we've been using for decades, 397 00:23:50.530 --> 00:23:52.420 because that's the thing that we can count the best. 398 00:23:52.420 --> 00:23:55.940 So going to the island, working at night 399 00:23:55.940 --> 00:23:57.850 when the females are coming up and laying their eggs, 400 00:23:57.850 --> 00:24:01.400 we can get a more accurate, or that's the most accurate 401 00:24:01.400 --> 00:24:03.813 metric that we can get for these females. 402 00:24:08.510 --> 00:24:11.300 Just a second. 403 00:24:11.300 --> 00:24:14.280 And so that is actually, if you read the report 404 00:24:14.280 --> 00:24:19.280 from the monument, that is why the honu green turtles 405 00:24:19.540 --> 00:24:23.540 are designated as good or in fair standing 406 00:24:23.540 --> 00:24:25.720 because the status of green turtles in the monument 407 00:24:25.720 --> 00:24:28.880 is considered good, fair with medium evidence 408 00:24:28.880 --> 00:24:31.480 due to increasing numbers of female nesters. 409 00:24:31.480 --> 00:24:34.290 But there's a lot more going on, there's a lot more play, 410 00:24:34.290 --> 00:24:37.320 and that's the one I'm gonna talk about next. 411 00:24:37.320 --> 00:24:41.550 So after collecting over 45 years of census data, 412 00:24:41.550 --> 00:24:44.200 our program's goal in recent years has been to build 413 00:24:44.200 --> 00:24:48.230 upon that massive data sets as published in 2015 there 414 00:24:49.340 --> 00:24:52.010 to collect as much contemporary nest dynamic data 415 00:24:52.010 --> 00:24:55.880 as possible and then use that data to improve 416 00:24:55.880 --> 00:24:58.410 our population and climate change models. 417 00:24:58.410 --> 00:25:01.840 In addition to the longer full saturation tagging seasons, 418 00:25:01.840 --> 00:25:05.250 so those four to six months I was talking about, 419 00:25:05.250 --> 00:25:08.270 we also increased nest excavations. 420 00:25:08.270 --> 00:25:11.010 So going in after the nest hatch and going in 421 00:25:11.010 --> 00:25:13.693 and counting how many eggs there were, 422 00:25:14.890 --> 00:25:16.920 where did the eggs hatch, were they successful? 423 00:25:16.920 --> 00:25:20.370 So very important metric for, it's okay if you, 424 00:25:20.370 --> 00:25:22.870 it's great if you know how many females are coming up 425 00:25:22.870 --> 00:25:25.240 and laying, but we also want to know how successful 426 00:25:25.240 --> 00:25:26.840 those females on their eggs are. 427 00:25:27.810 --> 00:25:30.480 We were deploying temperature data logger deployments, 428 00:25:30.480 --> 00:25:32.590 which I'll talk more about in a moment. 429 00:25:32.590 --> 00:25:34.650 The use of telemetry, so that turtle 430 00:25:34.650 --> 00:25:36.800 in the bottom right there is satellite tagged 431 00:25:36.800 --> 00:25:40.253 by one of our researchers, and genetic sampling. 432 00:25:43.950 --> 00:25:46.820 Let's see, so the deployment of temperature data loggers 433 00:25:46.820 --> 00:25:50.840 in nests at Lalo are especially important to help us predict 434 00:25:50.840 --> 00:25:53.390 our honu populations resilience to climate change 435 00:25:53.390 --> 00:25:56.460 when faced with increasing global temperatures. 436 00:25:56.460 --> 00:25:59.090 Which for a honu can lead to skewed sex ratios 437 00:25:59.090 --> 00:26:01.724 and even embryonic death, and that's why it's important 438 00:26:01.724 --> 00:26:03.913 we do those nest excavations. 439 00:26:05.810 --> 00:26:09.680 So for example, I'm gonna pull up a graph here, 440 00:26:09.680 --> 00:26:12.300 when we look at the temperature data logger data 441 00:26:12.300 --> 00:26:15.210 from East Island in 2018, 442 00:26:15.210 --> 00:26:18.580 we can see that the nest laid earlier in the season in May, 443 00:26:18.580 --> 00:26:22.350 so that's shown in blue kind of more towards the left, 444 00:26:22.350 --> 00:26:24.470 they're cooler than the nest late a few weeks later 445 00:26:24.470 --> 00:26:27.680 during the peak season in June, shown in green, 446 00:26:27.680 --> 00:26:30.483 and July shown in that reddish brown color. 447 00:26:34.470 --> 00:26:38.210 Temperature is very important to honu egg development. 448 00:26:38.210 --> 00:26:39.640 Cooler nest temperatures result 449 00:26:39.640 --> 00:26:41.130 in longer incubation periods. 450 00:26:41.130 --> 00:26:45.180 So those nests laid April, May, 451 00:26:45.180 --> 00:26:47.350 you can see have longer incubation periods 452 00:26:47.350 --> 00:26:51.423 written there in blue, so 81, 82 days on average. 453 00:26:52.380 --> 00:26:54.993 And they can lead to lower hatch success rates. 454 00:26:56.210 --> 00:27:00.020 When warmer temperatures results in shorter incubation 455 00:27:00.020 --> 00:27:03.600 periods and result in greater hatch success rates 456 00:27:03.600 --> 00:27:04.433 as you can see there. 457 00:27:04.433 --> 00:27:07.770 So our nests that are being laid in July 458 00:27:07.770 --> 00:27:11.480 are sometimes incubating only for 50 to 65 days. 459 00:27:11.480 --> 00:27:14.620 So it's a huge difference between the 60 days 460 00:27:14.620 --> 00:27:16.253 and the 80 to 90 days. 461 00:27:19.230 --> 00:27:22.710 Okay, but honu also have what's called 462 00:27:22.710 --> 00:27:24.930 temperature dependent sex determination, 463 00:27:24.930 --> 00:27:27.470 which is the temperature of the nest environment 464 00:27:27.470 --> 00:27:30.240 during the second trimester of incubation. 465 00:27:30.240 --> 00:27:32.920 So that nest temperature, it's gonna determine 466 00:27:32.920 --> 00:27:36.210 the sex of the developing embryos. 467 00:27:36.210 --> 00:27:38.740 So cooler temperatures produce male turtles 468 00:27:38.740 --> 00:27:41.233 and warmer temperatures produce females. 469 00:27:42.850 --> 00:27:45.840 The temperature at which a given nest produces 50% males 470 00:27:45.840 --> 00:27:49.040 and 50% females is called the pivotal temperature. 471 00:27:49.040 --> 00:27:51.490 And the way that that works naturally is that 472 00:27:51.490 --> 00:27:54.990 if a normal nest not being affected by extreme temperatures 473 00:27:54.990 --> 00:27:59.420 is incubating, then the eggs on the outside of the clutch 474 00:27:59.420 --> 00:28:02.420 will incubate a cooler temperatures will be exposed more 475 00:28:02.420 --> 00:28:05.050 to the environment, and so those will be the males. 476 00:28:05.050 --> 00:28:07.890 And then the eggs in the center of the clutch 477 00:28:07.890 --> 00:28:09.760 will be surrounded by other eggs 478 00:28:09.760 --> 00:28:12.570 and due to the metabolic heating will be a little bit 479 00:28:12.570 --> 00:28:14.620 warmer and so those will be your females. 480 00:28:15.760 --> 00:28:17.210 But we're still investigating 481 00:28:17.210 --> 00:28:18.870 the exact pivotal temperatures. 482 00:28:18.870 --> 00:28:22.530 So that temperature where turtles or embryos are half male, 483 00:28:22.530 --> 00:28:25.760 half female, that nice balance that we want to see. 484 00:28:25.760 --> 00:28:28.070 So we don't know the exact temperature for a honu, 485 00:28:28.070 --> 00:28:31.060 but I highlighted here in purple 486 00:28:31.060 --> 00:28:34.316 an estimated pivotal temperature of 29 degrees. 487 00:28:34.316 --> 00:28:37.260 And we can see how the population might compare 488 00:28:37.260 --> 00:28:39.063 to this global average. 489 00:28:40.110 --> 00:28:44.967 Those earlier laid nests from April and May, like I said, 490 00:28:46.360 --> 00:28:49.093 are cooler and then those later nests are warmer. 491 00:28:50.420 --> 00:28:52.900 Populations where nesting temperatures have already 492 00:28:52.900 --> 00:28:54.860 increased, for example in south Florida 493 00:28:54.860 --> 00:28:59.550 or in parts of Australia, those nests already heavily 494 00:28:59.550 --> 00:29:03.330 female biased and are at risk of losing 495 00:29:03.330 --> 00:29:05.190 sustainable breeding ratios. 496 00:29:05.190 --> 00:29:07.610 So some of those populations haven't produced a male 497 00:29:07.610 --> 00:29:09.480 or have only produced very few males 498 00:29:10.360 --> 00:29:11.760 for several decades already. 499 00:29:15.400 --> 00:29:17.760 And then just highlighting in red there 500 00:29:17.760 --> 00:29:20.870 if nests get too warm , well then we have also a temperature 501 00:29:20.870 --> 00:29:23.480 around 34 degrees Celsius where we know that results 502 00:29:23.480 --> 00:29:27.053 in embryonic death and then your nest wouldn't survive. 503 00:29:29.109 --> 00:29:32.130 And then the black line that's about the pop-up 504 00:29:32.130 --> 00:29:34.640 represents the mean temperature of our control data loggers. 505 00:29:34.640 --> 00:29:36.590 So those are data loggers that we put in the sand 506 00:29:36.590 --> 00:29:41.023 near the nest, not in eggs, not in a clutch of eggs. 507 00:29:42.130 --> 00:29:45.170 And when we use these data to update our population 508 00:29:45.170 --> 00:29:47.940 and our climate change models, we're forced to recognize 509 00:29:47.940 --> 00:29:49.750 that climate scientists prediction 510 00:29:49.750 --> 00:29:52.420 of a global temperature increase of one to two temperatures, 511 00:29:52.420 --> 00:29:55.523 which I tried to estimate there with my block arrows, 512 00:29:56.940 --> 00:29:59.370 that temperature increased by the year 2100 513 00:29:59.370 --> 00:30:01.090 could have a significant effect on the health 514 00:30:01.090 --> 00:30:02.790 and development of these nests 515 00:30:02.790 --> 00:30:05.343 as well as the future sex ratio of the population. 516 00:30:09.300 --> 00:30:12.330 Okay, so in addition to increasing global temperatures, 517 00:30:12.330 --> 00:30:14.820 we're also studying the honu populations resilience 518 00:30:14.820 --> 00:30:18.330 to catastrophic events and how they can lead to habitat loss 519 00:30:18.330 --> 00:30:20.640 and changes in habitat quality. 520 00:30:20.640 --> 00:30:22.270 These events are becoming more important 521 00:30:22.270 --> 00:30:25.820 as global climate change leads to sea level rise 522 00:30:25.820 --> 00:30:28.810 and more frequent and more intense storms interact 523 00:30:28.810 --> 00:30:30.740 with the vulnerable islets of the monument, 524 00:30:30.740 --> 00:30:31.853 as we've already seen. 525 00:30:33.450 --> 00:30:38.210 So have another poll question, because some of you 526 00:30:38.210 --> 00:30:40.490 may have already heard about what happened 527 00:30:40.490 --> 00:30:42.340 in the monument in recent years 528 00:30:43.670 --> 00:30:48.200 with storms and loss of habitat. 529 00:30:48.200 --> 00:30:50.310 So we have a poll open now. 530 00:30:50.310 --> 00:30:54.270 How many islets of Lalo within the atoll area 531 00:30:54.270 --> 00:30:57.703 eroded away or severely damaged since the 1990s? 532 00:30:58.890 --> 00:31:03.320 So was it one islets, was it three islets, five 533 00:31:05.040 --> 00:31:07.870 or none were eroded or damaged? 534 00:31:07.870 --> 00:31:09.543 They're actually more islets now. 535 00:31:12.150 --> 00:31:15.550 Well, already 50% of the audience has voted 536 00:31:15.550 --> 00:31:18.000 and it's going pretty fast. 537 00:31:18.000 --> 00:31:22.053 So I'll wait and see if we can get up to that 70 to 80%. 538 00:31:30.290 --> 00:31:32.120 All right, folks, we're slowing down a little bit, 539 00:31:32.120 --> 00:31:35.570 we're almost to 70%, I'm gonna give you 15 more seconds. 540 00:31:35.570 --> 00:31:37.863 So I'm going to take the plunge. 541 00:31:39.760 --> 00:31:41.343 Yeah, that makes sense. 542 00:31:44.690 --> 00:31:49.690 All right, five, four, three, two, one, 543 00:31:49.750 --> 00:31:52.173 we'll stop at about 70%. 544 00:31:53.470 --> 00:31:54.650 And I'm sharing it now. 545 00:31:54.650 --> 00:31:56.800 So it should just take a couple of seconds. 546 00:32:06.420 --> 00:32:07.850 Okay, so I see the results. 547 00:32:07.850 --> 00:32:12.280 I see a majority 47% answered three, that's correct. 548 00:32:12.280 --> 00:32:13.150 Great job guys. 549 00:32:13.150 --> 00:32:17.230 So we did lose three islets since the 1990s. 550 00:32:17.230 --> 00:32:20.923 And I've put a map up there on my screen. 551 00:32:22.340 --> 00:32:24.590 Let's see, I think that's coming back up now. 552 00:32:26.980 --> 00:32:28.560 Okay, so there's Lalo. 553 00:32:29.920 --> 00:32:34.420 There were quite a few little islets before. 554 00:32:34.420 --> 00:32:38.820 So in the 1990s, Whale Skate on the upper right there 555 00:32:38.820 --> 00:32:41.370 eroded, and that was a large island, 556 00:32:41.370 --> 00:32:46.370 it had a lot of seal pupping and resting habitat. 557 00:32:47.460 --> 00:32:50.533 It was a honu nesting habitat. 558 00:32:51.470 --> 00:32:56.470 And then in 2018 while we were there during the season, 559 00:32:56.740 --> 00:32:59.810 Trig on the very top there also eroded away 560 00:32:59.810 --> 00:33:02.070 and that hadn't completely eroded away before, 561 00:33:02.070 --> 00:33:03.070 so that was surprising. 562 00:33:03.070 --> 00:33:05.610 We watched it get smaller and smaller and smaller. 563 00:33:05.610 --> 00:33:06.870 I remember at the beginning of the season, 564 00:33:06.870 --> 00:33:09.490 we had over 80 turtles basking there every day, 565 00:33:09.490 --> 00:33:12.943 it was pretty big island, I know they used to camp on it, 566 00:33:13.980 --> 00:33:15.020 and then that was gone. 567 00:33:15.020 --> 00:33:16.540 And then as you might have heard in the news, 568 00:33:16.540 --> 00:33:21.150 the third island in 2018 was East Island. 569 00:33:21.150 --> 00:33:26.150 So that was eroded away by hurricane Walaka 570 00:33:26.490 --> 00:33:30.590 and it has returned. 571 00:33:30.590 --> 00:33:33.030 It's smaller, it moved a little bit. 572 00:33:33.030 --> 00:33:35.230 It's smaller, it's more dynamic. 573 00:33:35.230 --> 00:33:37.460 It's come and gone between the summer 574 00:33:37.460 --> 00:33:39.593 and the winter seasons since that storm. 575 00:33:40.951 --> 00:33:43.880 And then I just wanna highlight, so in yellow there 576 00:33:43.880 --> 00:33:46.873 we have Shark, Round, Mullet and Disappearing. 577 00:33:47.910 --> 00:33:49.760 Those are very dynamic, they're still there, 578 00:33:49.760 --> 00:33:52.660 those islets are still there but they're very dynamic 579 00:33:52.660 --> 00:33:56.020 and will often erode away naturally throughout the season 580 00:33:56.020 --> 00:33:58.600 between the winter and summer months. 581 00:33:58.600 --> 00:34:00.530 And then so that really only leaves, 582 00:34:00.530 --> 00:34:04.550 depending on how East Island returns the next few years. 583 00:34:04.550 --> 00:34:07.710 Tern island is still there and then we have the Gins 584 00:34:07.710 --> 00:34:10.320 down south, which are very flat 585 00:34:10.320 --> 00:34:12.850 but they're a little more stable than the other islets. 586 00:34:12.850 --> 00:34:14.663 So potential nesting habitat. 587 00:34:16.630 --> 00:34:17.823 Okay, so, 588 00:34:18.980 --> 00:34:21.280 what is the status of East Island? 589 00:34:21.280 --> 00:34:24.860 So that was in 2018, the end of 2018, the storm. 590 00:34:24.860 --> 00:34:28.420 And then we arrived in the spring of 2019, 591 00:34:28.420 --> 00:34:31.620 and it was seven months later. 592 00:34:31.620 --> 00:34:34.360 East initially appeared to have grown larger and appeared 593 00:34:34.360 --> 00:34:38.450 to support turtle nesting activity, which was exciting. 594 00:34:38.450 --> 00:34:42.150 But we, as I feared, it wasn't quite large enough 595 00:34:42.150 --> 00:34:44.960 to support the nesting throughout the incubation period. 596 00:34:44.960 --> 00:34:49.140 As I mentioned before, in a warmer part of the season, 597 00:34:49.140 --> 00:34:53.250 you still have to wait about 60 days for a nest to incubate. 598 00:34:53.250 --> 00:34:55.650 And so what happened throughout the 2019 season 599 00:34:55.650 --> 00:34:59.600 was that the islet shrunk and eroded away 600 00:34:59.600 --> 00:35:01.667 and the turtle nest were being washed out of the berm 601 00:35:01.667 --> 00:35:03.188 and so that's what you can see in the photo. 602 00:35:03.188 --> 00:35:06.203 The smaller photo, there is a nest washing out of the berm. 603 00:35:07.660 --> 00:35:10.830 One of our program's goals is to continue to monitor 604 00:35:10.830 --> 00:35:13.410 this ability of the island and its effectiveness 605 00:35:13.410 --> 00:35:16.610 as an incubator for future turtle nesting activity. 606 00:35:16.610 --> 00:35:18.730 So we're hoping that although it's big enough 607 00:35:18.730 --> 00:35:21.050 to encourage the turtles to nest again, 608 00:35:21.050 --> 00:35:25.110 we're hoping that it will then also stay stable 609 00:35:25.110 --> 00:35:28.193 and large enough to successfully incubate those nests. 610 00:35:30.320 --> 00:35:33.030 So I'll just go through a few photos here 611 00:35:33.030 --> 00:35:35.260 so I can show you what happened. 612 00:35:35.260 --> 00:35:40.260 So the first photo here is when we arrived in 2019 in May. 613 00:35:42.130 --> 00:35:46.180 So this is where it looked promising and we recorded, 614 00:35:46.180 --> 00:35:47.740 we weren't able to camp and set up our camp 615 00:35:47.740 --> 00:35:51.313 on East Island again, we were just camping on Tern island. 616 00:35:52.250 --> 00:35:56.370 But we were able to do basking surveys 617 00:35:56.370 --> 00:35:58.730 and then daytime nesting surveys where we looked 618 00:35:58.730 --> 00:36:02.520 for nesting pits and fresh nesting activity. 619 00:36:02.520 --> 00:36:05.510 And that's what you see here marked in black. 620 00:36:05.510 --> 00:36:07.850 And you can see it's mostly on the high part of the island, 621 00:36:07.850 --> 00:36:11.040 which was the eastern or leeward side. 622 00:36:11.040 --> 00:36:13.910 And then if you watch the photo now, it's gonna move 623 00:36:14.930 --> 00:36:17.723 to what happened to the end of the season. 624 00:36:19.500 --> 00:36:20.850 Okay, and there you see it. 625 00:36:22.040 --> 00:36:23.450 This was at the end of the season, 626 00:36:23.450 --> 00:36:26.480 see how the island had moved and shifted already. 627 00:36:26.480 --> 00:36:30.380 And so what happened was the next marker 628 00:36:31.400 --> 00:36:35.100 is just showing these red dots are where we observed 629 00:36:35.100 --> 00:36:36.620 nests washing out as the berm. 630 00:36:36.620 --> 00:36:39.160 And it's not even comprehensive, we weren't able to get out 631 00:36:39.160 --> 00:36:41.890 there every day because we weren't camping there anymore. 632 00:36:41.890 --> 00:36:44.730 So these were just what we saw with surveys 633 00:36:44.730 --> 00:36:46.083 two to three days a week. 634 00:36:53.960 --> 00:36:56.370 Not only are the honu nesting habitats in the monument 635 00:36:56.370 --> 00:36:59.100 eroding away, but those that remain, as I mentioned, 636 00:36:59.100 --> 00:37:03.010 Tern island is still there, it's becoming degraded 637 00:37:03.010 --> 00:37:06.603 at a rate that is accelerated by catastrophic events. 638 00:37:08.610 --> 00:37:12.180 So prior to Hurricane Walaka, Tern island was heavily 639 00:37:12.180 --> 00:37:14.730 vegetated all the way to the Southern berm line 640 00:37:14.730 --> 00:37:19.520 as seen here in May of 2018. 641 00:37:19.520 --> 00:37:22.550 So keep an eye on that Southern berm line. 642 00:37:22.550 --> 00:37:24.465 You can see the yellow, white sand, 643 00:37:24.465 --> 00:37:27.133 and then you can see the dark green vegetation. 644 00:37:31.540 --> 00:37:34.010 What happened was, so the vegetation was tall 645 00:37:34.010 --> 00:37:37.000 and it was impenetrable as seen in these photos. 646 00:37:37.000 --> 00:37:39.170 It consisted mostly of tree heliotrope, 647 00:37:39.170 --> 00:37:43.780 which is a taller bush, and it provided bird nesting habitat 648 00:37:43.780 --> 00:37:48.720 and acted as a natural barrier at the top of the beach. 649 00:37:48.720 --> 00:37:52.130 So that turtles weren't able to crawl past the bushes, 650 00:37:52.130 --> 00:37:55.060 past the trees and into the interior of the island 651 00:37:55.060 --> 00:37:57.770 where there were more entrapment hazards. 652 00:37:57.770 --> 00:38:00.200 The interior of the island is that former runway, 653 00:38:00.200 --> 00:38:03.880 as I mentioned before, and then also there are seawalls that 654 00:38:04.810 --> 00:38:06.580 enclose three sides of the island. 655 00:38:06.580 --> 00:38:09.210 So that south beach is really the only safe entry 656 00:38:09.210 --> 00:38:11.890 and exit for nesting habitat. 657 00:38:11.890 --> 00:38:16.470 And it kept the turtles in the thicker part of the sand, 658 00:38:16.470 --> 00:38:17.723 closer to the water. 659 00:38:19.626 --> 00:38:22.380 Okay, so here's that map again. 660 00:38:22.380 --> 00:38:24.710 'Cause of the barrier, the turtles in 2018, 661 00:38:24.710 --> 00:38:27.870 before the storm, we're laying all of their nests nicely 662 00:38:27.870 --> 00:38:30.120 right along that berm there on the Southern part 663 00:38:30.120 --> 00:38:32.240 and they weren't going inland. 664 00:38:32.240 --> 00:38:33.430 So keep an eye on that 665 00:38:36.070 --> 00:38:38.200 vegetation, the dark green stuff. 666 00:38:38.200 --> 00:38:41.070 This next photo is from after the storm, 667 00:38:41.070 --> 00:38:43.430 only just a few short months later. 668 00:38:43.430 --> 00:38:46.320 ah, you can see, so most of that vegetation got washed away. 669 00:38:46.320 --> 00:38:49.140 There was sand displaced on the island. 670 00:38:49.140 --> 00:38:52.723 Here you can see the nests that were laid the, 671 00:38:54.691 --> 00:38:57.390 in 2018 kind of all nicely along the berm, 672 00:38:57.390 --> 00:39:02.390 but now with the new status of the island kind of underlaid. 673 00:39:02.910 --> 00:39:04.480 And this is what that looked like. 674 00:39:04.480 --> 00:39:06.720 Here's the photo of south beach eight months 675 00:39:06.720 --> 00:39:08.290 after Hurricane Walaka. 676 00:39:08.290 --> 00:39:11.140 You can see the tree heliotrope has gone. 677 00:39:11.140 --> 00:39:14.980 It's really exposed, cleared of vegetation, 678 00:39:14.980 --> 00:39:17.010 and there was limited vegetation regrowth 679 00:39:17.010 --> 00:39:19.880 and almost zero large bushes or barriers. 680 00:39:19.880 --> 00:39:24.043 So the turtles were free to crawl inland. 681 00:39:25.390 --> 00:39:26.963 Going back to the map, 682 00:39:28.930 --> 00:39:31.120 so I'm gonna show the yellow nests that I had before 683 00:39:31.120 --> 00:39:35.653 from 2018 and I'm gonna pull up the nest from 2019 in pink. 684 00:39:37.200 --> 00:39:40.440 And what you can see is how differently that looks. 685 00:39:40.440 --> 00:39:44.040 So a lot of the 2019 nests were laid inland. 686 00:39:44.040 --> 00:39:47.500 Well, that initially seemed promising 687 00:39:47.500 --> 00:39:51.100 that the turtles were crawling inland, 688 00:39:51.100 --> 00:39:52.390 they had all this new nesting habitat, 689 00:39:52.390 --> 00:39:55.630 there weren't trees and vegetation there blocking them. 690 00:39:55.630 --> 00:39:57.480 But actually when we went back in 691 00:39:59.020 --> 00:40:02.440 and looked at the actual depth of the sand 692 00:40:03.420 --> 00:40:05.310 further inland on the island 693 00:40:05.310 --> 00:40:09.290 We saw that it was too shallow to be a successful incubator. 694 00:40:09.290 --> 00:40:12.910 So the dots there, the points there in red 695 00:40:13.780 --> 00:40:17.330 were the holes depths that we saw 696 00:40:17.330 --> 00:40:19.580 up to 20 centimeters in yellow. 697 00:40:19.580 --> 00:40:22.020 And then green, where the deepest holes that we found, 698 00:40:22.020 --> 00:40:24.820 but they were still only went up to about 66 centimeters 699 00:40:25.970 --> 00:40:29.740 and average successful, actual average nest depths 700 00:40:29.740 --> 00:40:32.120 are usually in the 60s, just average. 701 00:40:32.120 --> 00:40:35.650 So you wanna see ness around that depth or deeper. 702 00:40:35.650 --> 00:40:38.830 So that would make these nests more susceptible 703 00:40:38.830 --> 00:40:43.830 to being baked in the sun or damaged. 704 00:40:44.130 --> 00:40:46.940 Being too close to the surface, not enough insulator, 705 00:40:46.940 --> 00:40:49.033 not enough of a protection. 706 00:40:54.797 --> 00:40:59.220 And then that could best be seen, so the pink dots 707 00:40:59.220 --> 00:41:01.680 were all the nests that we saw being laid. 708 00:41:01.680 --> 00:41:03.490 But then we didn't see as many nests 709 00:41:03.490 --> 00:41:04.790 as successfully hatching. 710 00:41:04.790 --> 00:41:07.230 So we look for hatch craters when the nests emerges, 711 00:41:07.230 --> 00:41:09.210 and these were the craters that we saw, 712 00:41:09.210 --> 00:41:11.993 so not as many and not as many of the regions. 713 00:41:12.930 --> 00:41:15.260 And a lot of the turtles were crawling up and getting stuck 714 00:41:15.260 --> 00:41:16.580 on the island, as I mentioned before, 715 00:41:16.580 --> 00:41:18.863 they didn't have that nice barrier anymore. 716 00:41:23.980 --> 00:41:25.840 Okay, so, 717 00:41:25.840 --> 00:41:29.030 for Tern Island specifically, catastrophic storms 718 00:41:29.030 --> 00:41:32.480 also expose many decades old dilapidated structures 719 00:41:32.480 --> 00:41:35.500 which create a potentially deadly obstacle course 720 00:41:35.500 --> 00:41:39.050 for nesting females as they crawl up onto the beach to nest. 721 00:41:39.050 --> 00:41:41.293 So we saw that a lot in 2019, 722 00:41:43.080 --> 00:41:46.220 and unfortunately we're seeing it again still. 723 00:41:46.220 --> 00:41:48.253 We'll talk about that in a moment. 724 00:41:49.240 --> 00:41:51.160 First, a little update about what happened 725 00:41:51.160 --> 00:41:52.400 since the report came out. 726 00:41:52.400 --> 00:41:56.383 So in 2020, we had, 727 00:41:58.404 --> 00:41:59.770 well, the bad news is we weren't able 728 00:41:59.770 --> 00:42:01.772 to go up to the island. 729 00:42:01.772 --> 00:42:04.070 So due to COVID. 730 00:42:04.070 --> 00:42:06.783 We were dry-docked last year, like many people. 731 00:42:08.140 --> 00:42:11.230 But the good news that came out of that 732 00:42:11.230 --> 00:42:13.803 is right before we went into our quarantine, 733 00:42:15.120 --> 00:42:18.310 we were able to find a gravid or egg bearing female 734 00:42:18.310 --> 00:42:21.450 on Oʻahu using an ultrasound on the north shore. 735 00:42:21.450 --> 00:42:23.330 And we attached the satellite transmitter 736 00:42:23.330 --> 00:42:27.360 and we're able to track their migration up to Lalo. 737 00:42:27.360 --> 00:42:30.630 And the idea there was to try and get a better sense 738 00:42:30.630 --> 00:42:33.570 of what the turtles are doing now that their nesting habitat 739 00:42:33.570 --> 00:42:35.020 has been so greatly affected. 740 00:42:35.020 --> 00:42:37.770 East island was pretty much gone, 741 00:42:37.770 --> 00:42:38.960 what were the turtles doing. 742 00:42:38.960 --> 00:42:43.960 And so we did that in 2020, we did that again in 2021, 743 00:42:44.130 --> 00:42:48.210 and we're very excited to talk 744 00:42:48.210 --> 00:42:50.760 about report on that, those data 745 00:42:50.760 --> 00:42:52.710 as we get more information this season. 746 00:42:55.650 --> 00:42:57.410 Let's see, so it is important to note, 747 00:42:57.410 --> 00:42:59.550 as I mentioned before, turtles don't migrate every year, 748 00:42:59.550 --> 00:43:01.650 they are migrant every three to four years. 749 00:43:01.650 --> 00:43:04.390 So while it's tempting to think that the turtles 750 00:43:04.390 --> 00:43:09.110 that were making the migration in 2019, 2020, even in 2021, 751 00:43:09.110 --> 00:43:12.130 to think that they would know that East Island 752 00:43:12.130 --> 00:43:15.483 was severely damaged or Trig Island. 753 00:43:16.820 --> 00:43:19.630 Because they don't make that migration regularly, 754 00:43:19.630 --> 00:43:23.430 we probably won't see the effects of turtles knowing that 755 00:43:23.430 --> 00:43:26.513 or remembering that until after about 2023. 756 00:43:29.090 --> 00:43:32.940 Okay, so more good news that came out of our pandemic year 757 00:43:32.940 --> 00:43:36.050 in 2020 is we did have a documentary crew that was able 758 00:43:36.050 --> 00:43:39.230 to go up to the monument and their resource monitor 759 00:43:40.250 --> 00:43:42.800 collected one data point for us. 760 00:43:42.800 --> 00:43:45.810 And I wanted to tell you it was a basking survey 761 00:43:45.810 --> 00:43:48.383 on Tern Island on July 3rd. 762 00:43:49.530 --> 00:43:52.990 And I was very surprised at the number he told me. 763 00:43:52.990 --> 00:43:55.730 So if I pull up the basket data from the previous 764 00:43:55.730 --> 00:43:58.840 three seasons 2017, '18, '19, 765 00:43:58.840 --> 00:44:02.020 you can see there's always a peak season 766 00:44:02.020 --> 00:44:05.343 kind of in May, June, and then it, 767 00:44:08.210 --> 00:44:11.510 peels off, gets lower as the turtles migrate back 768 00:44:11.510 --> 00:44:13.260 to the Main Hawaiian Islands. 769 00:44:13.260 --> 00:44:18.260 So this was the number that got reported back to us. 770 00:44:18.360 --> 00:44:22.633 It was 83 turtles. 771 00:44:24.190 --> 00:44:26.970 So it was 83 turtles in July at a time 772 00:44:26.970 --> 00:44:28.990 when most of the turtles really should have migrated 773 00:44:28.990 --> 00:44:30.320 back to the Mains. 774 00:44:30.320 --> 00:44:32.750 It was a very high number, we were very excited to see that. 775 00:44:32.750 --> 00:44:35.210 So that was some great news that came out of that season. 776 00:44:35.210 --> 00:44:37.220 And we don't know exactly if that means 777 00:44:37.220 --> 00:44:42.220 that it was a very high successful for a migrating year, 778 00:44:42.380 --> 00:44:46.602 or if it was caused by a displacement from the other islets. 779 00:44:46.602 --> 00:44:48.750 So where the Trig turtles not coming to Tern, 780 00:44:48.750 --> 00:44:50.600 with East turtles now coming to Tern. 781 00:44:53.040 --> 00:44:56.793 The ugly, so I said, we had the bad, the good and the ugly. 782 00:44:58.500 --> 00:45:01.520 While the team was there in October, 783 00:45:01.520 --> 00:45:03.710 in July and then another team in October, 784 00:45:03.710 --> 00:45:07.137 they saw a lot of turtles that gotten entrapped in, 785 00:45:07.137 --> 00:45:09.637 there was a lot of dilapidated structures on Tern Island. 786 00:45:10.530 --> 00:45:12.110 I think we had a total of nine turtles 787 00:45:12.110 --> 00:45:15.930 by the end of the year that had gotten entrapped. 788 00:45:15.930 --> 00:45:18.930 And so, and remember our team wasn't able to get out there. 789 00:45:18.930 --> 00:45:22.610 So without our team there to mitigate entrapments, 790 00:45:22.610 --> 00:45:25.690 it was a relief that there weren't more fatalities. 791 00:45:25.690 --> 00:45:27.680 During peak season, there can be so many turtles 792 00:45:27.680 --> 00:45:29.370 coming up at night. 793 00:45:29.370 --> 00:45:33.830 But those observations from 2020 really highlight the need 794 00:45:33.830 --> 00:45:37.050 for a more permanent solution to the issues on Tern Island. 795 00:45:37.050 --> 00:45:39.493 Unfortunately, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 796 00:45:39.493 --> 00:45:42.860 and the Papahānaumokuākea Marine debris project 797 00:45:42.860 --> 00:45:45.690 among others have teamed up and I've been working 798 00:45:45.690 --> 00:45:48.173 on removing the debris from the island. 799 00:45:49.010 --> 00:45:52.140 I think between their trip or just in their trip in October, 800 00:45:52.140 --> 00:45:56.350 they removed over 82,000 pounds of debris from Tern island 801 00:45:56.350 --> 00:45:58.980 and they opened up some of the gaps in the sea walls 802 00:45:58.980 --> 00:46:02.513 and created exit points for some of the animals. 803 00:46:04.150 --> 00:46:07.253 Looking back at the graph that I showed before but now, 804 00:46:11.100 --> 00:46:13.830 I wanna show you what's been happening now in 2021. 805 00:46:13.830 --> 00:46:18.713 So we have three field staff up French Frigate Shoals, 806 00:46:18.713 --> 00:46:21.010 and the two of them have been there since March. 807 00:46:21.010 --> 00:46:24.690 So it's the first season that we've had a team 808 00:46:24.690 --> 00:46:27.150 up there so early and able to capture truly 809 00:46:27.150 --> 00:46:28.863 the start of the nesting season. 810 00:46:29.760 --> 00:46:32.320 And they've been reporting obviously 811 00:46:32.320 --> 00:46:34.360 through now, so mid July. 812 00:46:34.360 --> 00:46:36.280 And so I wanted to pull up the number that they have, 813 00:46:36.280 --> 00:46:38.963 the average number that they had. 814 00:46:40.380 --> 00:46:43.284 the lines there represent 2017 through 2019. 815 00:46:43.284 --> 00:46:46.260 83 turtles in 2020. 816 00:46:46.260 --> 00:46:49.010 So I looked at the average from last week 817 00:46:49.010 --> 00:46:53.480 and they had 143 average baskers that week. 818 00:46:53.480 --> 00:46:56.080 So they have a lot of turtles this year. 819 00:46:56.080 --> 00:46:58.210 We're very excited with the data, 820 00:46:58.210 --> 00:46:59.157 they've been getting up there. 821 00:46:59.157 --> 00:47:01.363 It sounds like it's a huge year. 822 00:47:02.670 --> 00:47:04.340 So that's some exciting news. 823 00:47:05.870 --> 00:47:08.640 More highlights from their effort up there. 824 00:47:08.640 --> 00:47:11.010 They've already identified 825 00:47:12.380 --> 00:47:15.950 a total of 641 females. 826 00:47:15.950 --> 00:47:18.296 They had 280 males, they were able to get a lot more 827 00:47:18.296 --> 00:47:21.373 of the males that usually arrive earlier in the season. 828 00:47:22.580 --> 00:47:25.057 They have five juveniles, so like the, 829 00:47:26.330 --> 00:47:29.817 residents to Lalo, which we don't usually see as often. 830 00:47:29.817 --> 00:47:31.810 They've deployed 51 data loggers. 831 00:47:31.810 --> 00:47:35.940 So we're gonna get nest temperatures from those nests, 832 00:47:35.940 --> 00:47:37.500 from the data loggers. 833 00:47:37.500 --> 00:47:40.840 And then as they hatch, our team will be able to get 834 00:47:40.840 --> 00:47:44.570 genetic samples from those nests for other studies 835 00:47:44.570 --> 00:47:46.040 that we're working on. 836 00:47:46.040 --> 00:47:48.560 And I think this is so cool. 837 00:47:48.560 --> 00:47:52.100 One night on Tern island, they had a record 114 females 838 00:47:52.100 --> 00:47:53.340 coming up in nesting in one night. 839 00:47:53.340 --> 00:47:55.220 So that's a lot of turtles work with 840 00:47:55.220 --> 00:47:58.203 for just the team of two at the time. 841 00:48:00.390 --> 00:48:03.040 Unfortunately, they've also had a lot of entrapments. 842 00:48:04.690 --> 00:48:08.600 It was about one entrapment on average a week so far 843 00:48:08.600 --> 00:48:10.850 and four deaths already. 844 00:48:10.850 --> 00:48:14.280 And that's despite the team being there on the ground, 845 00:48:14.280 --> 00:48:17.070 they're not able to keep up with all the animals this year. 846 00:48:17.070 --> 00:48:18.887 And so 847 00:48:18.887 --> 00:48:23.600 the mitigation that the team, the Marine debris team did 848 00:48:23.600 --> 00:48:27.720 in October already helped save so many animals 849 00:48:27.720 --> 00:48:29.290 and it would have been so much worse. 850 00:48:29.290 --> 00:48:31.210 But still after the mitigation, 851 00:48:31.210 --> 00:48:33.833 we still have these fatalities and entrapments. 852 00:48:36.870 --> 00:48:40.860 And very exciting, just a few weeks ago as well, 853 00:48:40.860 --> 00:48:44.060 East Island, there it is. 854 00:48:44.060 --> 00:48:46.312 Thank you, Randy Kosaki for this beautiful photo. 855 00:48:46.312 --> 00:48:48.023 We were just there with, 856 00:48:50.410 --> 00:48:53.680 with the sailing canoe, with the Hōkūle'a 857 00:48:53.680 --> 00:48:55.657 and they got to do a little drive by of East Island 858 00:48:55.657 --> 00:48:57.870 and let us know what they saw. 859 00:48:57.870 --> 00:49:02.870 So on June 22nd, they counted 41 honu which is pretty cool. 860 00:49:02.910 --> 00:49:05.980 And I just showed numbers from previous seasons, 861 00:49:05.980 --> 00:49:08.040 what that kind of compares to 862 00:49:08.040 --> 00:49:10.830 and what that would look like for the season totals. 863 00:49:10.830 --> 00:49:13.418 So for example, in 2017, 864 00:49:13.418 --> 00:49:16.160 47 turtles, so similar to the 41 that he just saw. 865 00:49:16.160 --> 00:49:20.190 And that ended up being a total of 407 nesters 866 00:49:20.190 --> 00:49:22.570 when we were able to do full-time nesting surveys 867 00:49:22.570 --> 00:49:24.120 there on island. 868 00:49:24.120 --> 00:49:25.620 And so this is the kind of information 869 00:49:25.620 --> 00:49:28.170 that we're now taking in and we're trying to tease apart 870 00:49:28.170 --> 00:49:33.170 since we don't have our reliable kind of this index island 871 00:49:33.850 --> 00:49:37.030 that we had surveyed since 1973, East Island. 872 00:49:37.030 --> 00:49:39.660 We now have to move and shift our research focus 873 00:49:39.660 --> 00:49:42.457 to Tern Island, but we're hoping with these more 874 00:49:44.720 --> 00:49:47.550 inclusive atoll numbers, getting information 875 00:49:47.550 --> 00:49:50.470 from the different islets that we can try to piece together 876 00:49:50.470 --> 00:49:54.050 and model what the population is doing over time, 877 00:49:54.050 --> 00:49:56.180 even though we're not getting exact numbers 878 00:49:56.180 --> 00:49:58.113 from individual islets anymore. 879 00:49:59.690 --> 00:50:02.630 Let's see, so before I wrap up, 880 00:50:02.630 --> 00:50:07.473 I just wanted to give a plug for our honu count. 881 00:50:08.610 --> 00:50:11.650 So it's a project that we have in order to identify 882 00:50:11.650 --> 00:50:13.800 the turtles up in the monument. 883 00:50:13.800 --> 00:50:18.800 Our teams use a non-toxic paint to write numbers 884 00:50:18.810 --> 00:50:22.363 with little island codes on the shell of the turtles. 885 00:50:23.510 --> 00:50:25.710 And that way they can see the turtles from afar 886 00:50:25.710 --> 00:50:28.110 and do a census without having to walk right up 887 00:50:28.110 --> 00:50:29.790 to the turtle and disturb it 888 00:50:29.790 --> 00:50:32.083 every time they wanna count who's there. 889 00:50:33.010 --> 00:50:36.153 And so we call it hashtag honu count. 890 00:50:37.180 --> 00:50:38.760 Because these turtles, when they migrate back 891 00:50:38.760 --> 00:50:40.859 to the Main Hawaiian Islands, people will often see them 892 00:50:40.859 --> 00:50:43.520 while they're snorkeling or diving, or if they're basking 893 00:50:43.520 --> 00:50:45.790 on the beach or if they get stranded, 894 00:50:45.790 --> 00:50:50.740 and it's another way for us to keep track of our turtles. 895 00:50:50.740 --> 00:50:52.140 Where are they migrating, 896 00:50:52.140 --> 00:50:54.053 what's their health, 897 00:50:55.807 --> 00:51:00.807 and these sightings are all citizen or community-based. 898 00:51:01.030 --> 00:51:03.390 And so it allows us to have more of an effort 899 00:51:03.390 --> 00:51:05.850 without having to be everywhere at once. 900 00:51:05.850 --> 00:51:08.360 And it's really great and we've already had some turtles 901 00:51:08.360 --> 00:51:09.920 migrate down and been spotted. 902 00:51:09.920 --> 00:51:11.890 So we hope everyone keeps an eye out 903 00:51:11.890 --> 00:51:14.433 and helps us look for our turtles. 904 00:51:15.640 --> 00:51:19.570 Okay, with that, I just wanna say thank you very much 905 00:51:19.570 --> 00:51:20.670 for having me tonight, 906 00:51:22.500 --> 00:51:27.143 and I'm super happy to take any questions if anyone has any. 907 00:51:28.620 --> 00:51:31.220 All right, thank you so much, Mary Lou. 908 00:51:31.220 --> 00:51:35.350 We have about I believe five minutes for questions, 909 00:51:35.350 --> 00:51:38.200 and there are a lot of questions that have been rolling in. 910 00:51:38.200 --> 00:51:41.250 I'll say now that we're going to keep all of your questions 911 00:51:41.250 --> 00:51:43.810 and email them to MaryLou and she will respond. 912 00:51:43.810 --> 00:51:45.820 We'll email them back out along with a link 913 00:51:45.820 --> 00:51:47.880 to the recording of this webinar. 914 00:51:47.880 --> 00:51:49.780 So don't worry if you don't get to it. 915 00:51:50.880 --> 00:51:53.910 Let's see, some of the first questions that came in are, 916 00:51:53.910 --> 00:51:57.193 honu are much larger than Caribbean greens, are they? 917 00:51:59.890 --> 00:52:02.080 Oh, that's a good question. 918 00:52:02.080 --> 00:52:02.963 I actually don't know the answer to that, 919 00:52:02.963 --> 00:52:04.280 and I would love that. 920 00:52:04.280 --> 00:52:06.730 I didn't know they were smaller in the Caribbean. 921 00:52:08.200 --> 00:52:09.138 That's great, I love to be stumped. 922 00:52:09.138 --> 00:52:11.488 I'm going to learn something new as well today. 923 00:52:12.830 --> 00:52:15.633 Sorry, I can't answer it but I need to do some research. 924 00:52:17.440 --> 00:52:19.310 Are the honu that are satellite-tagged, 925 00:52:19.310 --> 00:52:21.330 do they show up on the shark tracker app, 926 00:52:21.330 --> 00:52:23.512 the predator tracker app 927 00:52:23.512 --> 00:52:26.860 so you can see their pathways as well, the fisheries. 928 00:52:26.860 --> 00:52:29.163 Oh, I'm not familiar with that app, 929 00:52:30.440 --> 00:52:32.193 so I wanna say maybe not. 930 00:52:33.201 --> 00:52:36.160 They are a protected species, so usually green turtles 931 00:52:36.160 --> 00:52:39.290 and Hawaiian monk seals, we don't publicize 932 00:52:39.290 --> 00:52:41.829 their track data until much later. 933 00:52:41.829 --> 00:52:44.329 So I'm not sure if that's how the shark app works. 934 00:52:47.230 --> 00:52:49.350 Yeah, that's an interesting one. 935 00:52:49.350 --> 00:52:51.450 What is the name of the app again? 936 00:52:51.450 --> 00:52:53.803 I believe they're talking about the Pack iOS. 937 00:52:55.690 --> 00:52:59.520 Or the tagging of ocean pacific pelagics 938 00:52:59.520 --> 00:53:01.883 out of UC Santa Barbara. 939 00:53:04.680 --> 00:53:06.210 All right, I'll keep going. 940 00:53:06.210 --> 00:53:08.840 With the shorter incubation period for later eggs laid, 941 00:53:08.840 --> 00:53:11.320 are there any physical differences in the hatchlings 942 00:53:11.320 --> 00:53:14.003 like size, weight or physical features? 943 00:53:15.820 --> 00:53:18.310 We have not seen a difference 944 00:53:19.513 --> 00:53:21.350 and we are measuring them, 945 00:53:21.350 --> 00:53:23.700 so that's a new effort that we've just started. 946 00:53:25.840 --> 00:53:29.630 Starting in 2019, we started a new hatchlings study 947 00:53:29.630 --> 00:53:31.330 where we're measuring and weighing them, 948 00:53:31.330 --> 00:53:33.690 collecting skin samples for genetics 949 00:53:33.690 --> 00:53:38.210 in an effort to look at multiple paternity of our turtles 950 00:53:38.210 --> 00:53:40.493 and also the collecting blood. 951 00:53:40.493 --> 00:53:45.493 And that's our new project where we're going to try 952 00:53:45.700 --> 00:53:48.220 and determine the primary sex ratio of turtles 953 00:53:48.220 --> 00:53:49.393 as they hatch. 954 00:53:50.570 --> 00:53:52.460 Not just knowing how many adults we're seeing 955 00:53:52.460 --> 00:53:55.560 in the population, because it could take 25 to 30 years 956 00:53:55.560 --> 00:53:58.940 for a hatchling to reach adulthood 957 00:53:58.940 --> 00:54:02.070 and contribute back into the populations. 958 00:54:02.070 --> 00:54:04.890 We wanna know right now, are we only getting males? 959 00:54:04.890 --> 00:54:06.270 Are we only getting females? 960 00:54:06.270 --> 00:54:08.770 What are our sex ratios, are they skewed? 961 00:54:08.770 --> 00:54:11.350 And so that's our newest project that we're working on. 962 00:54:11.350 --> 00:54:16.210 And so with that comes the new data that we have 963 00:54:16.210 --> 00:54:20.460 with sizes and our measurements and weights. 964 00:54:20.460 --> 00:54:23.010 And so that is something that we'll be able to tease out 965 00:54:23.010 --> 00:54:24.750 as we collect more of these data, 966 00:54:24.750 --> 00:54:27.103 that's a good question. Great. 967 00:54:27.950 --> 00:54:29.500 Andy, how are we doing on time? 968 00:54:31.360 --> 00:54:33.177 Yeah, we can take two more. 969 00:54:33.177 --> 00:54:37.090 All right, is there a growth or decrease in aggregated data 970 00:54:37.090 --> 00:54:40.593 that shows turtles exhibiting fibropapillomatosis? 971 00:54:43.240 --> 00:54:45.390 Is there, can you say that one more time? 972 00:54:46.304 --> 00:54:49.790 Are you seeing a growth or decrease in the aggregated data 973 00:54:49.790 --> 00:54:54.180 that shows turtles exhibiting fibropapillomatosis? 974 00:54:54.180 --> 00:54:55.480 I didn't say that so well. 975 00:54:57.460 --> 00:55:02.460 So we don't see as much FP in the monument 976 00:55:03.940 --> 00:55:07.540 fortunately, so on our nesting turtles, on our adults. 977 00:55:07.540 --> 00:55:09.920 it used to be our number one cause of stranding 978 00:55:09.920 --> 00:55:11.790 in the Main Hawaiian Islands 979 00:55:11.790 --> 00:55:16.790 and we do have a lot of stranded turtles still with FP. 980 00:55:17.100 --> 00:55:19.600 And my colleague, Chandelle Brunson would be able 981 00:55:19.600 --> 00:55:23.803 to better answer the specifics of what those data look like. 982 00:55:24.640 --> 00:55:29.200 But I know that cause of stranding at least has changed. 983 00:55:29.200 --> 00:55:31.990 So it is now entanglement with fishing line 984 00:55:31.990 --> 00:55:36.990 and with fishing nets, interactions with fishing equipment. 985 00:55:37.610 --> 00:55:40.360 So it used to be that our turtles were primarily standing 986 00:55:40.360 --> 00:55:44.050 due to FP or with FP at least, 987 00:55:44.050 --> 00:55:47.170 and now we're seeing more turtles with fishing line. 988 00:55:47.170 --> 00:55:51.140 So whether the number of turtles with FP, 989 00:55:51.140 --> 00:55:54.650 and I believe it has declined, the rate of FP 990 00:55:54.650 --> 00:55:56.330 within the Main Hawaiian Islands 991 00:55:56.330 --> 00:55:58.780 or that there's more fishing fishery interactions, 992 00:55:58.780 --> 00:56:01.030 near shore fishery interactions in the Mains. 993 00:56:02.528 --> 00:56:04.890 Do you mind briefly saying what FP 994 00:56:04.890 --> 00:56:06.127 is for those who aren't familiar with it? 995 00:56:06.127 --> 00:56:09.130 Oh, I'm sorry, so fibropapillomatosis. 996 00:56:09.130 --> 00:56:12.150 It is a virus that causes tumors on the turtles. 997 00:56:12.150 --> 00:56:14.460 Unfortunately it usually presents 998 00:56:14.460 --> 00:56:18.160 first in the eyes or mouth area. 999 00:56:18.160 --> 00:56:21.750 And so it can be really debilitating as the tumors grow. 1000 00:56:21.750 --> 00:56:25.080 It's our herpes virus and the exact cause 1001 00:56:26.010 --> 00:56:27.480 isn't exactly known but 1002 00:56:28.870 --> 00:56:32.040 there are studies looking at if it's associated 1003 00:56:32.040 --> 00:56:36.850 with areas of more runoff, 1004 00:56:36.850 --> 00:56:40.610 more higher population areas and less water quality, 1005 00:56:40.610 --> 00:56:42.113 lower water quality. 1006 00:56:45.360 --> 00:56:47.640 Okay, Andy, I'm gonna hand it back to you, 1007 00:56:47.640 --> 00:56:49.800 Unless you think I have more time. 1008 00:56:49.800 --> 00:56:51.920 Yeah, no, I think that's good. 1009 00:56:51.920 --> 00:56:55.120 Well, thank you so much, Mary Lou, 1010 00:56:55.120 --> 00:56:57.960 and thank you for being flexible. 1011 00:56:57.960 --> 00:57:01.360 I know you're jet lagged after 24 hours of flight time 1012 00:57:02.610 --> 00:57:05.840 but we really appreciate you being flexible 1013 00:57:05.840 --> 00:57:09.860 and joining us for that wonderful talk, thank you. 1014 00:57:09.860 --> 00:57:11.970 Of course, no problem, and I'm super happy. 1015 00:57:11.970 --> 00:57:13.880 Thank you so much for everyone for coming today 1016 00:57:13.880 --> 00:57:16.530 and I'm super happy to take more questions via email, 1017 00:57:16.530 --> 00:57:17.363 like you said. 1018 00:57:18.780 --> 00:57:22.070 Yeah, great, I'll get those over to you shortly. 1019 00:57:22.070 --> 00:57:25.986 And I have a few, 1020 00:57:25.986 --> 00:57:29.053 I have a few slides to share here at the end. 1021 00:57:30.810 --> 00:57:33.473 Just give me a second to share my screen here. 1022 00:57:38.330 --> 00:57:41.120 Okay, should be showing. 1023 00:57:41.120 --> 00:57:44.670 So this presentation will be archived 1024 00:57:44.670 --> 00:57:48.770 on our office of National Marine Sanctuaries website, 1025 00:57:48.770 --> 00:57:51.640 along with all the other presentations we've done recently. 1026 00:57:51.640 --> 00:57:54.400 We have quite a volume of presentations up there now, 1027 00:57:54.400 --> 00:57:58.150 you can almost take a course in Papahānaumokuākea 1028 00:57:58.150 --> 00:57:59.940 by watching all those. 1029 00:57:59.940 --> 00:58:02.550 So you can go there and view them, 1030 00:58:02.550 --> 00:58:04.260 download the presentation. 1031 00:58:04.260 --> 00:58:05.970 And this one will be posted there 1032 00:58:05.970 --> 00:58:07.960 after we do the captioning for it, 1033 00:58:07.960 --> 00:58:10.030 so it takes about a week and a half. 1034 00:58:10.030 --> 00:58:12.750 So look for it there if you wanna watch it again 1035 00:58:12.750 --> 00:58:15.150 or share it with friends or family. 1036 00:58:15.150 --> 00:58:17.410 You will also get a certificate of attendance 1037 00:58:17.410 --> 00:58:20.310 for this for one hour of professional development 1038 00:58:20.310 --> 00:58:23.653 and we will send that out the email to you by tomorrow. 1039 00:58:24.700 --> 00:58:27.030 And we have another wonderful presentation 1040 00:58:27.030 --> 00:58:28.810 coming up in August. 1041 00:58:28.810 --> 00:58:31.730 This one is presented by Dr. Dan Polhemus 1042 00:58:31.730 --> 00:58:35.430 from Fish and Wildlife Service who has taken it upon himself 1043 00:58:35.430 --> 00:58:38.240 to be an expert in climate change and monitoring 1044 00:58:38.240 --> 00:58:42.350 all the conditions and changing conditions in the Pacific. 1045 00:58:42.350 --> 00:58:45.080 And so he will give a talk about understanding 1046 00:58:45.080 --> 00:58:49.820 some of the impacts of climate change to Papahānaumokuākea. 1047 00:58:49.820 --> 00:58:52.080 And you should receive an email invite 1048 00:58:52.080 --> 00:58:56.820 or email promotion for that in the next week or so, 1049 00:58:56.820 --> 00:58:59.320 and then you can register for that talk, 1050 00:58:59.320 --> 00:59:00.900 so that's on August 19th. 1051 00:59:02.120 --> 00:59:04.760 We also have a Get Into Your Sanctuaries Day. 1052 00:59:04.760 --> 00:59:08.100 Every year we do a program called Get Into Your Sanctuary. 1053 00:59:08.100 --> 00:59:12.460 This year it'll be virtual again in August, on August 4th. 1054 00:59:12.460 --> 00:59:14.150 We're gonna have a great talk 1055 00:59:14.150 --> 00:59:17.070 or a book reading by Caren Loebel-Fried 1056 00:59:17.070 --> 00:59:19.020 who's a wonderful local author 1057 00:59:19.020 --> 00:59:21.307 and wrote a, and artist, and wrote a called 1058 00:59:21.307 --> 00:59:22.940 "A Perfect Day for an Albatross" 1059 00:59:22.940 --> 00:59:24.840 from her time up on Midway. 1060 00:59:24.840 --> 00:59:26.410 And so she's gonna be reading her book 1061 00:59:26.410 --> 00:59:29.930 and then we're also going to be sharing some stories, 1062 00:59:29.930 --> 00:59:33.230 information about seabirds from the west coast 1063 00:59:33.230 --> 00:59:36.480 national Marine sanctuaries and Papahānaumokuākea 1064 00:59:36.480 --> 00:59:39.610 and also talking about some of our education resources 1065 00:59:39.610 --> 00:59:41.300 that we have available. 1066 00:59:41.300 --> 00:59:43.030 And I didn't do a slide for this 1067 00:59:43.030 --> 00:59:45.400 but right after this presentation, 1068 00:59:45.400 --> 00:59:47.830 through our National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, 1069 00:59:47.830 --> 00:59:50.810 there's another webinar, a blue beacon event 1070 00:59:50.810 --> 00:59:55.490 about expanding large scale Marine protected areas. 1071 00:59:55.490 --> 00:59:57.010 And so that's gonna be a wonderful talk. 1072 00:59:57.010 --> 00:59:58.200 If you just Googled 1073 00:59:58.200 --> 01:00:01.090 the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, 1074 01:00:01.090 --> 01:00:03.990 you can find their site and you can join it, 1075 01:00:03.990 --> 01:00:05.790 it's a Facebook live event. 1076 01:00:05.790 --> 01:00:09.360 So if you wanna indulge in another hour-long webinar 1077 01:00:10.230 --> 01:00:12.970 right after this, you can join that. 1078 01:00:12.970 --> 01:00:16.350 And last but not least, please fill out the survey 1079 01:00:16.350 --> 01:00:17.270 that we have at the end. 1080 01:00:17.270 --> 01:00:19.440 This is how we know how we're doing, 1081 01:00:19.440 --> 01:00:21.970 and if you'd like to see any other particular 1082 01:00:21.970 --> 01:00:24.450 kind of events, we'd love to hear from you. 1083 01:00:24.450 --> 01:00:28.100 So again, thank you so much for joining us 1084 01:00:28.100 --> 01:00:30.930 and hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. 1085 01:00:30.930 --> 01:00:35.043 And thank you again, MaryLou for joining us. 1086 01:00:37.303 --> 01:00:39.933 (speaks in Hawaiian) Aloha, thank you so much. 1087 01:00:41.428 --> 01:00:42.261 Thank you.