WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:14.349 --> 00:00:19.019 NOAA’s national marine sanctuaries provide secure habitats 00:00:20.020 --> 00:00:23.023 and support and support a diversity of marine species. 00:00:24.024 --> 00:00:30.030 There are a few things you can do to help keep wildlife safe and healthy. 00:00:37.004 --> 00:00:40.674 Wildlife need plenty of space to be wild! 00:00:43.677 --> 00:00:48.015 If you see an animal showing signs of stress, defense, or flight -- 00:00:48.349 --> 00:00:52.353 or if you’re close enough for a selfie -- then you’re too close. 00:00:52.620 --> 00:00:57.691 Hanging back will allow you to witness some amazing natural animal behaviors! 00:01:01.028 --> 00:01:09.870 Touching or attempting to handle wildlife can disturb or injure them, and for some animals, like marine mammals, it’s illegal. 00:01:10.004 --> 00:01:13.007 It could also be dangerous and harmful for you. 00:01:13.340 --> 00:01:18.512 So please be respectful and stay safe by keeping your hands to yourself. 00:01:24.518 --> 00:01:30.691 If you are concerned that an animal is abandoned, injured, or sick, please do not approach the animal. 00:01:31.025 --> 00:01:33.680 Instead, call your local wildlife hotline! 00:01:35.029 --> 00:01:41.135 Letting a trained professional handle the situation ensures safety for both you and the animal. 00:01:48.142 --> 00:01:55.315 Many parks and recreation areas restrict pet access, so please check local guidelines before you go. 00:01:55.849 --> 00:02:00.354 If pets are allowed, always keep them on a leash and far away from wildlife. 00:02:03.357 --> 00:02:09.363 While it may be tempting to use food to attract wildlife, it’s not healthy or safe. 00:02:10.030 --> 00:02:15.836 Wildlife can find their own snacks just fine. In fact, their survival depends on it! 00:02:20.007 --> 00:02:26.813 Pollution, such as marine debris, is a growing threat to the health of wildlife and their habitats. 00:02:27.014 --> 00:02:33.787 Properly dispose of any trash by packing it out or using the appropriate trash or recycling bin. 00:02:34.187 --> 00:02:40.694 And while you’re at it, please pick up any other trash you find to leave these areas cleaner than you found them. 00:02:43.530 --> 00:02:49.703 By practicing these simple guidelines, you set a positive example for other visitors to do their part 00:02:49.703 --> 00:02:55.042 in keeping wildlife and the habitats they depend on, safe, healthy, and productive! 00:02:55.676 --> 00:03:05.519 We hope you enjoy your next visit to a national marine sanctuary and the many opportunities they provide to observe and be inspired by wildlife. 00:03:05.686 --> 00:03:09.990 We greatly appreciate your cooperation, support, and stewardship. 00:03:10.991 --> 00:03:16.496 Please show your commitment to wildlife by taking the pledge for Wild Sanctuaries!